Re: Why OIL is cooler?

Jun Shen wrote:


> Then in Jeen Broekstra's "Adding formal semantics to the Web", it has
> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="has-part">
>  <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
>  .....
> </rdf:Property>
> *Property* , where so-called *semantics* is, acts as dual roles, one
> at schema/class level one at object/instance level.  How can we
> represent property of property or attribute of attribute? 

I am not really sure what you mean here, so don't shoot me if this is
not the answer you were looking for ;)

What is being done in the example you quote is exactly the description
of a property of a property at the schema level, that is,
"TransitiveRelation" is a property of the property object "has-part". 

However, if you'd want to give a property to the type relation itself (I
mean *this particular* type relation), you'd have to use a second order
statement on the 

 type(has-part, TransitiveRelation)
statement, e.g. when we want to say that this type relation statement is
a typical OIL statement: 

 example_of(type(has-part, TransitiveRelation), TypicalOILStatement)

While this is allowed in RDF(S), higher order statements are not
supported in OIL at the moment.

> I think it is also interesting to consider interpretation of
> rdfs:domain, rdfs:range and rdfs:subPropertyOf in Description Logic,
> at least it will help us understand in formal models.After that
> statements and their reifications become more meaningful. Is it true?  

There is actually some excellent work being done in this respect by
Reinhold Klapsing and Wolfram Conen. Their paper "A Logical
Interpretation of RDF" can be found at and
has been discussed here and on the RDF Logic mailinglist.


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Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2000 05:21:55 UTC