Re: Reificarion poll

Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN wrote:

> Are, in your opinion, the following RDF piece, equivalent ??
> Example 1:
> <rdf:Description about="#d1" xmlns:my="">
>     <my:prop rdf:id="s1"> Foo </my:prop>
> </rdf:Description>
> <rdf:Description about="#s1"/>
>     <my:prop> Bar </my:prop/>
> </rdf:Description>
> Example 2:
> <rdf:Description about="#d1" xmlns:my="">
>     <my:prop> Foo </my:prop>
> </rdf:Description>
> <rdf:Statement id="s1">
>     <rdf:subject   resource="#d1"/>
>     <rdf:predicate resource=""/>
>     <rdf:object> Foo </rdf:object>
> </rdf:Statement>
> <rdf:Description about="#s1"/>
>     <my:prop> Bar </my:prop/>
> </rdf:Description>

Example 1 is an extensional representation of the prop-->foo
arc; it designates explicitly by URI.  Example 2 is an
intensional representation of the arc; it gives a  criteria for
selection.   In the M&S data model, I believe, they map to the
same diagram.  In my mentography they map to different
diagrams.  See [Arc to Arc].   In any case their illative effect
is equivalent.  However, I note that the extensional
representation may have some interesting uses, that are more
difficult with the other method.

[Arc to Arc]
Seth Russell

Received on Sunday, 3 December 2000 12:03:53 UTC