SV: SV: Instant RDF - Panopolies

Greg FitzPatrick wrote:

>> Machines may have no problem reading things that humans have trouble with
>> but they don't decide what protocols to use, humans do - at least for

Seth Russell answered:

>This is true only sans effective tools.  Cases in point:  Lotus 1.2.3,
MSWord, postscript, and PDF.

 You listed "products" developed by (or into) monopolies or at least
oligarchies.  We (who are we?) are a panopoly, a common interest affinity

I am sure that the technologies you named had to package themselves and
struggle within their fostering environments in order to reach product

Come to think of it I am not sure about that at all.  Perhaps they were just
brilliant ideas, that due to exceedingly effective RAD-teams, avoided
death-by-committee and ended up as extremely successful products.  Anyhow
they got by in the internal marketplace of their companies.

Be that as it may, they are proprietary products containing (somewhat)
proprietary technologies and panopolies are not supposed to create
proprietary products or technologies.

Back to square one.  We still have to "sell" the technology - if only within
the panopoly.  Survival-by-committee.


Seth Russell

Received on Monday, 28 August 2000 11:35:45 UTC