RE: [Fwd: xmlns, uri+name pairs or just uris..? Clarification n eeded.]

At 06:25 PM 8/1/00 +0100, McBride, Brian wrote:

>One of the properties I'm expecting an implementation to have is
>the ability to round trip, i.e. to be able to serialize a model
>to xml, read it back in through a parser and end up with exactly
>the original model.  I don't think I'm going to be able to
>accomplish that if the parser is adding statements that were
>not in the original model.
>And now, is Graham going to say - "That's not a reasonable
>requirement."?  :)  Maybe its not, and its a style thing.  One
>would have to be careful with digital signature algorithms though
>if a parser can modify a model on the way through.

Hmmm... good question.  I'm not entirely sure.  At the very least, I'd say 
the round-trip should be idempotent.

I'm not particularly in favour of a parser adding to a model (I distinguish 
here between "adding to" and "annotation" in that I don't think 
"annotations" would appear in a re-serialization, but rather would be used 
to reconstrict the original serialized form faithfully).


Graham Klyne

Received on Wednesday, 2 August 2000 21:30:13 UTC