Re: a questioin on use of RDF

This is in response to both your note as well as a note about network
effects with RDF.

> The idea of "cards" for sites and people seems reasonable.
> I am not familiar with VCard. What information is contained in
> a vcard?

A URL for expressing VCard was sent earlier to this mailing list. Did you
get it?

Here it is:

> I guess I am suggesting something like a "home page card".

Yup. That is the idea I started with.

> I am working on semantic web crawlers and search engines. Anybody
> else?

One way to achieve 'network effect' is to have such a semantic search
engine. Another is to perform some kind of linking. Both of these are
reasonable. However, both of them rest on the node that describes about
itself. So, I wanted to start there. Also, uses of linking for annotation or
commentary or review adds additional complexity (technical and social), that
I did not want to swallow first. However, I do thinking that 'semantic
linking' is interesting.

Received on Wednesday, 29 September 1999 18:10:22 UTC