[ANN] Schematron: beta of schematron-rdf

For anyone interested, this is to announce the availability of the beta
implementation of schematron-rdf.  Comments welcome.

The Schematron is a simple tree-pattern schema language for XML documents.
It is trivially implementable on top of XSL. It can be used to validate
documents or to detect complex structural patterns in documents.
The schematron-rdf implementation can be used to generate RDF statements in
bulk based on tree-patterns in markup: making explicit RDF from the
relations implicit in the DTD and in the particular document set.

There are currently three (Open Source) implementations of Schematrons:
    * schematron: a minimal concept demonstration;
    * schematron-report: a browser that takes you to the location of
detected or expected patterns;
    * schematron-rdf: generates RDF document containing statements giving
the schema and the detected or expected patterns.

The Schematron home page is

To get an idea: here is a Schematron schema for the WAI guidelines:

Here is an evil test file:

Here is the resulting schematron-report browser:

And here is the RDF output from the same input:

I am not on this list, so please cc: me direct with any responses. Thanks.

Rick Jelliffe
Computing Centre
Academia Sinica

P.S. The Schematron is under development for creating "non-defining
schemas", such as a formalization of the WAI guidelines. These kind of
schemas have need for more sophisticated pattern matching compared to DTDs
rather than more sophisticated typing.

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 1999 10:59:44 UTC