Re: SiRPAC reifying listitem descriptions...

Well, I fixed this bug too (sigh...)

No reification should be done in either case. Update is again under


Gabe Beged-Dov wrote:
> I'm including a little testcase  (and output) that has two versions of
> a "li" content. In both cases the value of the li is an inline resource.
> In the first case, I use the typedNode syntax and in the second I use
> the regular syntax. The second one causes SiRPAC to emit the reification
> of the properties. The first doesn't. What should be happening here ?
> Gabe Beged-Dov
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <rdf:RDF
>   xmlns:rdf="">
>     <rdf:Bag>
>         <rdf:li>
>             <typedNode rdf:ID="44">
>                   <prop>a value</prop>
>               </typedNode>
>        </rdf:li>
>        <rdf:li>
>             <rdf:Description rdf:ID="45">
>                 <prop>a value</prop>
>             </rdf:Description>
>          </rdf:li>
>     </rdf:Bag>
> </rdf:RDF>
> triple("rdf#type","file:RDF/test.xml#genid1","rdf#Bag").
> triple("rdf#type","file:RDF/test.xml#44","typedNode").
> triple("prop","file:/RDF/test.xml#44","a value").
> triple("rdf#_1","file:RDF/test.xml#genid1","file:RDF/test.xml#44").
> triple("prop","file:RDF/test.xml#45","a value").
> triple("rdf#predicate","file:RDF/test.xml#genid2","prop").
> triple("rdf#subject","file:RDF/test.xml#genid2","file:RDF/test.xml#45").
> triple("rdf#object","file:RDF/test.xml#genid2","a value").
> triple("rdf#type","file:RDF/test.xml#genid2","rdf#Statement").
> triple("rdf#_2","file:RDF/test.xml#genid1","file:RDF/test.xml#45").

E-Mail: (Sergey Melnik)
Tel:         OFFICE: 1-650-725-4312 (USA)
Address:     Room 438, Gates, Stanford University, CA 94305, USA

Received on Tuesday, 16 November 1999 21:23:43 UTC