Re: RDF API / URIs of reified statements

Gabe Beged-Dov wrote:
> I'd like to see us define an unambiguous set of basic layers that
> could then have  higher level policy layered on top of. These higher layers
> would need to deal with all the issues of temporal and semantic aliasing and
> equivalence.

The recent discussion about letting the model MD5 digest be the URI,
made me realize that it could serve as a base for version handling,
since a changing triple or model gets a diffrent URI.

The concept of models could be used in all layers. But the handling of
model metadata and diffrent versions could be layerd on top of the
schema layer.

Tat would be:


The version layer would handle multipple statements, belonging to
diffrent version models.

I don't know about the names. I am already using "RDF" and "Model".

/ Jonas  -

Received on Monday, 13 December 1999 14:40:19 UTC