Re: Meaning of RDF:Statement


Some of the argument here seems to be quite close to what I was thinking
about in terms of expressing uncertainty, so for factoids (urrgh!) would
it be along the lines of : 

        [s1] - type -> rdf:Statement 
        [s1] - subject -> [Freddy's Cat]
        [s1] - predicate -> [colour]
        [s1] - object - > [Red]

        [s2] - type -> rdf:Statement 
        [s2] - subject -> [s1]
        [s2] - predicate -> [source]
        [s2] - object - > [Freddy]

        [s3] - type -> rdf:Statement 
        [s3] - subject -> [Freddy]
        [s3] - predicate -> [reliability]
        [s3] - object - > [0.1]


Received on Monday, 13 December 1999 10:55:35 UTC