Re: RDF API / URIs of reified statements

Gabe Beged-Dov wrote:
> Triples as Resources
> =================
> There is the question of whether triples should be traceable independant of
> the model that they are contained in. I.e. if you union two models should
> the triples in the resulting model have URIrefs whose URI is that of the
> origin models. If this is the case, you could no longer use the current RDF
> MS property ID to losslessly transport the result model.

Is it the same triple if two models is exactly the same? Is it the
same tirple if both triples have an equal literal? If yo reifie a
triple in one model; does that count as a reification of identical
triples in other models.

I think that it is the answer to this that should guide in the
question of wether to choose triple URIs based on the model or not.

I argued in another message [1] that you maby would like to let the
triples have identical URI's if they is composed of only URIs, but
diffrent URIs if they have a literal, because that literal could maby
change. And it is not always the best thing to change the triple URI
if the literal changes [2].


/ Jonas  -

Received on Wednesday, 8 December 1999 15:06:58 UTC