Re: [wiki] New: RyansActivities

Hi Mark,

 > Have these changes made it into the SVN repository yet?

Yes, they have.

 > There's a custom rule in SimileReasoner to go about deducing
 > equivalencies based on owl:InverseFunctionalProperties.  It's kind of 
 > a hefty rule.

I've noticed it's heftier than I'd like; drawing all the owl:sameAs 
relationships between blank nodes in the W3C TR data set for equivalent 
working groups takes around 15 minutes (on my slightly slow machine).

I did some pre-processing in cwm for that dataset before handing it off 
to Longwell (partly to incorporate your suggestion about publication 
year).  Maybe I should comment that big rule out of the Longwell code 
for now and leave the time-intensive inferencing to pre-processing 
steps.  Thoughts?

Butler, Mark wrote:
> Hi Ryan
> Good solution.
> Have these changes made it into the SVN repository yet?
> thanks,
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Ryan Lee
> Sent: 12 May 2004 21:35
> To: Butler, Mark
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [wiki] New: RyansActivities
> Butler, Mark wrote:
>>>* Thinking and writing code to address bNode issue in Longwell 
>>>(likely implementation: faux URIs for blank nodes, some sort of rules 
>>>addressing owl:inverseFunctionalProperty's and deducing owl:sameAs 
>>>relationships amongst bNodes)
>>I spoke to the Jena folks and there is a method called nodeId (I
>>think??) we could use, so if a node is bNode, no URI, so get the 
>>nodeId and use that to create a property value constraint in Longwell 
> It's someNode.getId(), which returns an instance of an AnonId.
> I implemented a fake URI scheme to cover bNodes in Longwell for the in 
> memory model.  I arbitrarily chose to use 
> "" as a prefix for "identifying 
> anonymous nodes," at least per running instance of Longwell.  bNodes 
> will work as facet restraints or as results.
> You can see the restraints in action on
> in the last facet, 'is a deliverable of.'  The unnamed nodes (like 
> "anonymous[hex+colons+hyphens]") are historical groups not in the 
> current RDF listing.
> Longwell now displays FOAF as well.  Something publicly available to 
> substantiate that claim may be forthcoming.
> There's a custom rule in SimileReasoner to go about deducing 
> equivalencies based on owl:InverseFunctionalProperties.  It's kind of a 
> hefty rule.

Ryan Lee       
W3C Research Engineer    +1.617.253.5327

Received on Friday, 14 May 2004 14:40:50 UTC