Re: [wiki] New: RyansActivities

Butler, Mark wrote:
>> * Thinking and writing code to address bNode issue in Longwell
>> (likely implementation: faux URIs for blank nodes, some sort of
>> rules addressing owl:inverseFunctionalProperty's and deducing
>> owl:sameAs relationships amongst bNodes)
> I spoke to the Jena folks and there is a method called nodeId (I
> think??) we could use, so if a node is bNode, no URI, so get the
> nodeId and use that to create a property value constraint in Longwell
> instead.

It's someNode.getId(), which returns an instance of an AnonId.

I implemented a fake URI scheme to cover bNodes in Longwell for the in 
memory model.  I arbitrarily chose to use 
"" as a prefix for "identifying 
anonymous nodes," at least per running instance of Longwell.  bNodes 
will work as facet restraints or as results.

You can see the restraints in action on
in the last facet, 'is a deliverable of.'  The unnamed nodes (like 
"anonymous[hex+colons+hyphens]") are historical groups not in the 
current RDF listing.

Longwell now displays FOAF as well.  Something publicly available to 
substantiate that claim may be forthcoming.

There's a custom rule in SimileReasoner to go about deducing 
equivalencies based on owl:InverseFunctionalProperties.  It's kind of a 
hefty rule.

Ryan Lee       
W3C Research Engineer    +1.617.253.5327

Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 16:34:27 UTC