Fwd: [MODS] MADS: XML schema for authorities

FYI -- this is possibly relevant to the work on name matching since much of 
the name data comes from MARC name authority records, and this new XML 
schema is a substitute for that format. It's still XML, but it should make 
conversion to RDF a lot more straightforward if it's adopted for the big 
name authority files like the Library of Congresses.


>Date:         Fri, 4 Jun 2004 09:34:04 -0400
>Reply-To: Metadata Object Description Schema List <MODS@loc.gov>
>From: "Rebecca S. Guenther" <rgue@loc.gov>
>Subject: [MODS] MADS: XML schema for authorities
>In response to numerous requests, the Library of Congress' Network
>Development and MARC Standards Office has drafted an XML schema for an
>authority element set that may be used to provide metadata about agents
>(people, organizations), events, and terms (topics, geographics, genres,
>etc.).  This Metadata Authority Description Schema (MADS) was created to
>serve as a companion to the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS).
>As such, MADS has a relationship to the MARC 21 Authority format, as MODS
>has to MARC 21 Bibliographic-- both carry selected data from MARC 21.
>There is a high level of compatibility between the MADS and MODS schemas.
>MADS is expressed using the XML schema language of the World Wide Web
>Consortium.  Note that once the schema is finalized, a few changes may be
>made to MODS for consistency. An example is that MADS uses the term
>"event" instead of "conference".
>The MADS draft schema is now available for broad review to inform its
>completion. Based on input from prospective users, the schema will be
>revised and made available for experimentation. The review period will be
>between June 4 and July 16, 2004.
>The Web site is at:
>Included is the XML schema itself, a document describing the purpose of
>MADS and details about definitions of the most important elements, and an
>outline of elements and attributes. A mapping to the MARC 21 Authority
>Format will be available shortly.
>We look forward to comments from prospective users about this new schema.
>^^  Rebecca S. Guenther                                   ^^
>^^  Senior Networking and Standards Specialist            ^^
>^^  Network Development and MARC Standards Office         ^^
>^^  1st and Independence Ave. SE                          ^^
>^^  Library of Congress                                   ^^
>^^  Washington, DC 20540-4402                             ^^
>^^  (202) 707-5092 (voice)    (202) 707-0115 (FAX)        ^^
>^^  rgue@loc.gov                                          ^^
>^^                                                        ^^

Received on Friday, 4 June 2004 15:10:18 UTC