FW: SIMILE PI phone conference, 05-Sep-03 1200 EDT/1700 BST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 05-Sep-03 1200 EDT/1700 BST

866-639-4752 or +1-574-935-6705
PIN: 2536617


Theme: Share progress towards demo corpus and storyboard.
	 Stimulate discussion around storyboard.


1/ Comments, Rob's D-Lib submission

2/ Logistics
   History System Review, Handoff, Q&A
   Thursday 11 September
   2-5pm at CRL


3/ Present / Review
   Comparison and mapping of VRA-Core and IMS Metadata
   John Gilbert

4/ Present / Review
   Search Interfaces
   Mark Butler

5/ Review, Discuss, and Tune
   Draft Storyboard
   Mick Bass


6/ AOB

970.898.6788 office    240.536.0765 fax
617.899.3938 mobile    303.494.5202 residence
bass@alum.mit.edu      mick_bass@hp.com

Mick Bass

Research and Business Development
HP Laboratories
Hewlett-Packard Company
1 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

970.898.6788 office    240.536.0765 fax
617.899.3938 mobile    303.494.5202 residence
bass@alum.mit.edu      mick_bass@hp.com

Received on Friday, 5 September 2003 10:02:33 UTC