Re: Presentation materials for tomorrows PI call - v.brief notes from CETIS/IMS meeting yesterday in London

Thanks for the write-up Paul. Very much appreciated.  I'd like to  
compare notes on the  LOM/RDF binding activity work at todays meeting given time.

Looks like it was a good meeting :)

eric miller                    
semantic web activity lead     
w3c world wide web consortium  

On Friday, September 5, 2003, at 05:22  AM, Paul Shabajee wrote:

> Hi Mark
> I was at the CETIS Metadata and Digital Respositaries SIG  
> (( meeting in London yesterday -  
> interesting and valuable, writing up fuller notes, but of immediate  
> interest.
> * IMS Realignment Activity  
> (, basically taking IMS  
> metadata v1.2.2 to v1.3 to realign it with IEEE LOM - see text below  
> from the IMS site.
> Meta-data Realignment - This effort is resolving the drift that has  
> occurred between the IMS Meta-data information model and the IEEE LOM  
> standard, which began as a combination of IMS Meta-data and ARIADNE  
> collaboration. The resulting work will point to the IEEE LOM  
> Information Model and provide appropriate guidance with respect to  
> bindings given that the IEEE LOM XML binding will not be complete  
> until late 2003. An XSLT will be provided to ease conversion from the  
> IMS Meta-data XML binding to the IEEE LOM XML binding. This work is  
> anticipated to be completed by early Fall 2003. Industry Canada and  
> Thomson/NETg chair the effort. Other participants include UK (CETIS),  
> Australia (DEST), Thomson/NETg. In addition to these participants, the  
> effort was informed by IBM, Click2learn, WGBH/NCAM, Carnegie Mellon  
> University, Teaching and Learning Scotland, ADL, Learning Objects  
> Networks, and requirements sessions with various Meta-data  
> implementers in the profit and non-profit sectors worldwide.
> * Talking to people from UKOLN heard of LOM/RDF binding activity  
> * In the context of discussions about identifers, their last meeting  
> "CETIS MDR SIG Meeting on Identifiers for Learning Objects" is of  
> interest see  
> - for  
> notes and one of the presentations.
> * The SIG co-ordinator mentioned that they would be interested in  
> having input/contributions from projects involved in repositories  
> work...
> * Didn't have great deal of time to talk to people, but the JISC  
> funded JORUM - as discussed on the list  
> previously( and Reload (Reusable Learning  
> Object Authoring and Delivery - projects are  
> interesting.
> * The "UK Learning Object Metadata Core Draft 0.1"  
> (  
> document might be of interest to people esp. the mapping at the end to  
> a range of (most UK focused) standards.
> * Also got two pointers to possible IEEE LOM marked up image  
> collections or collections inc. images... following up today check.
> See you at the PI meeting.
> Paul
> --On 04 September 2003 11:54 -0700 "Tansley, Robert"  
> <> wrote:
>> Hi all, the SIMILE Web site is now updated so the URLs are now:
>> Comparison and mapping of VRA-core and IMS metadata (286K)
>> simile_relevant_st
>> andards.pdf
>> Search Interface Presentation (2.7 Megs)
>> searchInterf2_fin.
>> pdf
>>  Robert Tansley / Hewlett-Packard Laboratories / (+1) 617 551 7624
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Butler, Mark []
>>> Sent: 04 September 2003 13:36
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Presentation materials for tomorrows PI call
>>> Hi Team,
>>> John G and myself have been putting together some
>>> presentations discussing background relevant to the DEMO. One
>>> discusses the  VRA core and IMS metadata standards with
>>> possible mappings, and the other discusses surveys the search
>>> images used on a range of visual image and learning object
>>> web based collections.
>>> Unfortunately I am not able to log-in to
>>> at all at the moment, so I have not
>>> been able to update the MIT SIMILE website from the
>>> IPSSources CVS. So the presentations are available in IPSSources at
>>> Comparison and mapping of VRA-core and IMS metadata (286K)
>> relevant_stand
>> ards.pdf
>> Search Interface Presentation (Rather large I'm afraid, 2.7 Megs)
>> searchInterf2_fin.
>> pdf
>> I'll try to resolve the log-in problem to get them up on SIMILE@MIT.
>> Dr Mark H. Butler
>> Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol
>> Internet:
> ndards.pdf

Received on Friday, 5 September 2003 09:50:59 UTC