RE: SIMILE demo storyboard feedback


First these examples are based on manufactured IMS metadata, so perhaps we
need to think about replacing them with "real" IMS metadata from the OCW
corpori. As Kevin has noted, neither Artstor or OCW feature FLW, so we
probably need another example.

For now though, here are some changes: 

> > In the section on vocabulary mapping, I think it is perhaps 
> > sweeping some things under the rug to say that in the free 
> > text search the system will "know that 'Wright, Frank L.' is 
> > equivalent to 'Frank Lloyd Wright'". 

Currently the demo script says:

"The free text search does not require the use of schema based inference to
map between different vocabularies. It will successfully return all three
records, assuming it knows that "Wright, Frank L." is equivalent to "Frank
Lloyd Wright"."

replace with

"Both free text search and templated searches that use schema based
inferences will require syntatic manipulation and/or authority look-up of
personal names so that they are available in a single canonicalized form
across vocabularies. However, if we assume it is possible to canonicalize
names in this way, which is not always possible for example if the name is
used within another field, then free text search will return all the three
metadata examples as being related to Frank Lloyd Wright". 

> Making this mapping can 
> > be viewed as part of the demo.  For the templated search, I'm 
> > not sure I understand why the IMS records would not be 
> > returned.  Is it that the will be 
> > the photographer, rather than FLW, or that there is not 
> > field in those records?

Currently the script says:

"However the templated search is more problematic as assuming it uses a
mapping based on the previous diagram, it will infer that vra:creator maps
onto ims:lifecycle.contribute. However in the IMS examples, FLW is not
listed in ims:lifecycle.contribute but is listed in the ims:general.title,
ims:general.description and ims.taxonpath classification of both learning
objects. So the demonstration needs to consider how to perform this

replace with

"However the templated search will not return all three records if it uses a
mapping based on the previous diagram, as it will infer that vra:creator
maps onto ims:lifecycle.contribute. In the IMS examples, FLW is not lists in
ims:lifecycle.contribute, rather it is the photographer who took the picture
of FLW used in one learning object and the professor who prepared the
collection of photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings in the other
learning object. Instead, FLW is listed in the ims.general.title,
ims:general.description and ims.taxonpath.classification of both learning
objects. Therefore the demonstration needs to consider how to perform this

Dr Mark H. Butler
Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol

Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 06:29:25 UTC