"Hello World" mapping demonstration

Hi team

I have put together a short "hello world" mapping demonstration Java program
that uses the Jena Inferencing API and RDQL. It takes the artstor sample
data, converted from XML to RDF/XML using the stylesheet I wrote, and the
artstor schema I wrote which includes the Dublin Core mapping from the VRA
Core spec, and uses this to generate a Dublin Core representation of the
sample data. Now as Andy has pointed out, the VRA to Dublin Core map is
broken, and the artstor schema and hence the stylesheet need further
refinement. However this program demonstrates we can leverage the Jena 2
Inference API and RDQL to do the map with only a small amount of Java code.
The other point is even though we know the map is broken, examining the
results of the broken map do help us understand how the map is flawed. 

I've incorporated the file into the CVS in simile/sandbox/mapartstordc, but
in case you want a quick look, here is the Java code and an RDF/XML and an
N3 version of the result of applying the map to the sample Artstor data


Dr Mark H. Butler
Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol
Internet: http://www-uk.hpl.hp.com/people/marbut/

Received on Friday, 10 October 2003 09:23:43 UTC