RE: Some remaining questions about the use case document

Useful pointers, John.  Important, yet still missing, info:

- How do users interact with the vocabulary (i.e. how do they select their desired term(s) from the N00,000+ that are in the vocabulary)? In particular UI/selection/suggestion/search techniques.

- How are the vocabularies maintained?  i.e. with 100,000 entries what processes are used to identify which terms need to be reviewed/updated/merged/deprecated etc. and what metadata do such processes generate?  If SIMILE is to offer facilities for vocabulary maintenance, what function points are likely to be required?  

- How are the vocabularies today shared across systems (i.e. what transfer formats are used)?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John S. Erickson [] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 3:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Some remaining questions about the use case document
> > Visual Image Support:
> >
> > - How do the Library of Congress or Getty deal with their large 
> > controlled vocabularies? Any idea about the type of user interface 
> > used?
> JSE: A bit of information on this is at:

Some technical information on each collection by original format type, preserved format type and division is at:

Getty provides a bit more information, including resources like their "metadata crosswalk"



Received on Thursday, 8 May 2003 16:27:26 UTC