Some remaining questions about the use case document

Hi MacKenzie, Eric, David, Mick

Do you have any input in the following outstanding questions from the use
case document?

Visual Image Support:

- How do the Library of Congress or Getty deal with their large controlled
vocabularies? Any idea about the type of user interface used? 

OCLC Authority Control Service:

- Which authority files is OCLC making available as a web service?
- Do you have any references to available documents, if any?
- At what stage are these services (design, implementation, production)?

History System (these were mentioned on the call today):

- Can we construct some sample use cases for preservation-oriented use of
the history data?
- Can we construct a use case for a service offering non-repudiatable proofs
of the transformation path / data provenance of an object?

thanks in advance

Dr Mark H. Butler
Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol

Received on Thursday, 8 May 2003 11:46:57 UTC