- From: Pat Hayes <phayes@ai.uwf.edu>
- Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 12:24:08 -0500
- To: aray@nyct.net
- Cc: www-rdf-comments@w3.org
- Message-Id: <p05101006b7e7820c9951@[]>
As author of the RDF model theory draft, I must bear the responsibility for any misunderstandings arising from the text. I was not aware of the earlier discussions on this topic in this forum, or I would have taken more care in my choice of words. The current text does indeed contain some errors, for which I apologize, and will be corrected in the next version. Please allow me to explain the intent of the 'graph syntax' and clarify several points which have been discussed. First, RDF graphs are in fact multigraphs, speaking in strict mathematical language, since they allow more than one arc between two nodes. Also, the current wording of the MT document does not make it clear that nodes in 'subject position', ie from which a directed edge emerges, must not be labelled with a literal (this is part of the RDF syntax description.) As to the issue you raise, I confess that this interpretation simply had not occurred to me, but I agree that the wording you cite does invite such an interpretation. The problem is in the wording, however, rather than in the pictures. The intention is *not* that all three of a triple's terms should be 'nodal'. The intention is that a triple a b c . shall map to a subgraph of the RDF graph consisting precisely of two nodes corresponding to a and c, together with an edge, directed from the former to the latter, labelled with b (as shown in figure 11 of http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-rdf-syntax/) There need not be any node labelled with 'b'; indeed, if this triple were the entire document, there would be no such node. The graph contains precisely one edge for each triple, and one node for each 'nodal' label in the N-triples document, ie each label which occurs in a subject or object position in the document somewhere. (However, a URI label which occurs only as a property name in the document will not be a node label anywhere in the graph; that is where the text you cited is incorrect, and needs to be rewritten more carefully.) Note that such a nodal label may also occur in a property position, and it will in that case be both a node label and an arc label in the graph. The labelling function on a tidy graph is required to be 1:1 only on nodes: the same label may occur on many edges and also on a (single) node. With this correspondence, an Ntriples document specifies a unique RDF graph; and also vice versa, up to reordering the triples and renaming the bNames. (In fact it might be good mathematical style to define an equivalence relation on Ntriples documents (of reordering and bNode-renaming) and regard RDF graphs as members of the quotient space under this equivalence. Another way to define the Ntriples-to-RDF graph mapping is as follows: define the set of nodes to be the set of 'nodal' identifiers, define edges to be triples, and then delete all bNode labels from the graph, ie replace them all with a null label.) I hope this helps to clarify the intended meaning of the graph syntax. In the next version of the document we will include rigorous mathematical definitions in an appendix, to provide some security against the vagaries of English. It may be germane to point out that with the current MT, nothing would be gained, speaking semantically, by including a node for each edge label, since a label denotes the same thing whether it is used as a node label or an edge label. The primary semantics for both node and edge labels is identical; in fact, an interpretation is defined simply on a set of labels, ie a vocabulary, and makes no distinction between edge and node labels. In order to say anything useful, the entity I(e) denoted by an edge label e needs to also have a nonempty extension IEXT(I(e)), and it is that extension which determines the truth or falsity of the triple (labelled edge); but I(e) is the same *thing* whether e is used as a node or an edge label. Pat Hayes PS. You wrote: [I would claim, on the basis of my "gestalt" of RDF, that a ntriple should be a node itself. The "basic" RDF graph representation would have four nodes, for the triple and its three terms; the arcs would be labelled by "subject", "verb" and "object" - or their equivalents du jour; anonymous nodes would just be missing outbound subject arcs; nodes with only inbound arcs would be the natural places to locate all atomic/primitive terms (literals, urirefs, symbols, whatever); and "reification" would seem to be unnecessary. What this means for Model Theory I haven't the faintest idea.] The reason that reification would be unnecessary in this scheme is that this *is* reification. The model theory can be extended to reification in several different ways; it was omitted from the current version because the proper way to handle reification is still under discussion. PPS. There *are* some places where the correspondence between graph syntax and XML-RDF becomes rather blurry, notably concerning the syntactic ordering of assertions about membership in an unordered collection, ie a bag. These have very little, if any, bearing on the meaning as determined by the model theory, but they are somewhat troubling and the working group hopes to get them clarified eventually. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- IHMC (850)434 8903 home 40 South Alcaniz St. (850)202 4416 office Pensacola, FL 32501 (850)202 4440 fax phayes@ai.uwf.edu http://www.coginst.uwf.edu/~phayes
Received on Monday, 8 October 2001 13:24:30 UTC