Sofotex New Software for 19-Sep-2001

----------------------------------------- Weekly Newsletter
Sofotex New Software for week ending 19-Sep-2001
This Weeks New Software Uploads
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Virus Alert       
Mcafee Antivirus Virus-Protection,
W32/Nimda@MM is a High Risk Virus. This threat can infect all unprotected users of Win9x/NT/2000/ME.
MetaScient Self-Empowering Knowledge System (added: 13-Sep-2001)
The MetaScient Self-Empowering Knowledge System [using the
MetaScient Oracle computer mystic] is an interactive ebook
that reveals your most important knowledge, to enhance your
self-awareness & decision-making. 

ZipGenius v1.4 (Suite Edition) (added: 17-Sep-2001)
ZipGenius has all the main features of compression programs
(zip, unzip and so on), but it's different from the others
because it offers very special features. You can give better
protection to your archives using encryption instead of the
standard zip password, 

JAMWORKS XG-1 (added: 18-Sep-2001)
The JAMWORKS XG-1 is a multivariate graphing calculator. It
can be used as a calculator and to explore math functions
and their behavior. With the XG-1 you can:
Define an unlimited number of functions complete with user
defined variables.

WakeMeUP (added: 19-Sep-2001)
This spirited tool allows you to select your favorite music
or song to provide a wake-up tune for your morning routine.
WakeMeUP supports MP3s, WAV files, and all basic CD formats
for your musical selection.

Private Bookmarks (added: 19-Sep-2001)
helps you organize, manage, and protect your bookmarks and
passwords, and can run hidden on your computer so no one
knows it's there.

DiWF Prog v2 (added: 18-Sep-2001)
Program made for the DeBUG Inc. Wrestling Fed, but can
benefit any wrestling or e-fed fan... there is a sim, quiz,
pictures, bios, and much more for people to check out! 

FileNotes (added: 18-Sep-2001)
FileNotes integrates with the Windows Explorer to allow a
note to be attached to any file or folder object. Your notes
will follow your files and folders when you move, copy or
rename them.

ZipMagic® 4.0 (added: 19-Sep-2001)
ZipMagic® is the ultimate file compression utility. By
shrinking files up to 95%, ZipMagic automatically frees up
space on your hard drive and dramatically reduces the time
spent sending large email attachments. Easy to use and
navigate, ZipMagic allows you to zip, unzip, email, back up
and repair zip files, and more!

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Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 00:26:25 UTC