Re: rdfms-literals-as-resources

On Wednesday, August 1, 2001, at 03:41  PM, Devon Smith wrote:

> Another concern is how strings encoded
> in UTF-8, UTF-16 and other non-ascii, non-latin encodings would be
> dealt with.

I'd suggest that we use what the RDF spec says as a starting 
point, namely:

"""Note: Although non-ASCII characters in URIs are not allowed 
by [URI], [XML] specifies a convention to avoid unnecessary 
incompatibilities in extended URI syntax. Implementors of RDF 
are encouraged to avoid further incompatibility and use the XML 
convention for system identifiers. Namely, that a non-ASCII 
character in a URI be represented in UTF-8 as one or more bytes, 
and then these bytes be escaped with the URI escaping mechanism 
(i.e., by converting each byte to %HH, where HH is the 
hexadecimal notation of the byte value)."""

The i18n WD suggests similarly:

I'm not sure what to do about UTF-18 characters, so I'm CCing 
the i18n for suggestions.

       "Aaron Swartz"      |           Blogspace
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Received on Sunday, 5 August 2001 13:08:07 UTC