- From: KlubDJ - Mailserver <mailserver@klubdj>
- Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2001 19:35:50 +0000
- To: www-rdf-comments@w3.org
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MAIL - FULL REMOVAL PROCEDURE AT BOTTOM OF PAGE! KlubDJ Website STAGE 2... The Message Board!!! www.klubdj.co.uk Today we have launched our own custom designed message board.. This is a live message board where you can have your say and chat with other KlubDJ members. You can setup your own forum and reply to messages already posted!!! Remember the message board only works with your input, so log on now and get chatting.... If you want to become a member of KlubDJ please visit the site and browse, you will then be able to see the massive benefits of being part of one of the most unique and largest sites of it's kind!!! If you would like to advertise your company on the web site, we have a special section on-line for you. Just fill in your details and you'll reach the massive numbers of people already hitting our website. Booking only the best... KlubDJ DJ Agency, Club Dancers, Record Label www.klubdj.co.uk *********************************************************************************** Privacy Policy: KlubDJ only mails to people who have opted in to a related list, if you feel you should not be on this list please click link below to be removed http://www.klubdj.co.uk/remove.asp This is the only way to unsubscribe, as this is an automated process and will take up to 14 days. Do Not reply to this message as it will just be returned.
Received on Saturday, 30 June 2001 14:55:57 UTC