RDF Schema Spec 30 Oct 1998: comments


A few comments to the RDF Schema Spec, 30 Oct 1998:
1.) Example 2
The Class SearchService should habe a subClassOf from "#InternetService"
The property "queryResultPage" should have a domain of "#SearchResult"

2.) 8. Figures
It would be easier to read if all figures would also have in the legend a description
what the nodes really mean (class or resource or ...) especially for Figure 3 where are
bold and non bold nodes. I know they are mentioned in the text, but after a while
nobody will know that when looking fast on the figure.

3.) 2.2.2 rdfs:subPropertyOf
The Example doesn't give a good example where the big picture can be
seen rather gives a clue how to syntactically write this down.
What is a good example showing the advantage of this rdfs:subPropertyOf
and the influence on the resources??
Especially where range & domain are also modelled!
(Does it make [a lot of] sense to model a property without
 a range and domain anyway?)

 JUERGEN MODRE     |  Phone:   +43 4214 2320
 Reisdorf 6        |  Mobile:  +43 664 233 22 22
 A-9371 Brueckl    |  E-mail:  jmodre@edu.uni-klu.ac.at
 Austria (Europe)  |  WWW:     http://www.edu.uni-klu.ac.at/~jmodre

Received on Friday, 27 November 1998 09:08:24 UTC