Call for Tutorial Proposals - 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2008)

11th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2008)

Call for Tutorials Proposals

11th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2008) 
will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, 5-7 May 2008.

BIS, originally based in Poznan, Poland, is currently one of top 
European conferences in the area of theory and practice of development 
and implementation of contemporary business information systems.
More information on current and previous editions of BIS conference is 
accessible at BIS Web site at

Topics of interest

The BIS 2008 Program Committee invites tutorials to be presented during 
the conference. The tutorials should focus on presentation of specific 
topic relevant to scientific and business areas of interest of the 
conference.  Each tutorial should preferably describe both theoretical 
and practical impact of presented topic.

Main topics of the conference:

1) Business process management
* semantic business process management
* adaptive and dynamic processes
* ERP/SCM implementations
* business rules
* integration of data and processes
* inter-organizational processes
* collaborative BPM

2) Ontologies
* creation, learning, population, evolution and evaluation of ontologies
* ontologies for enterprise content management
* natural language processing and cognitive science
* semantic integration of heterogeneous semi-structured information sources
* interoperability of heterogeneous information systems
* business models for Web information integration and aggregation

3) Contexts
* location-aware and geography-centric information systems
* wireless and mobile applications
* multi-agent distributed systems
* semantic web personalization
* ambient computing
* applications and challenges of RFID technology

4) Content retrieval and filtering
* hidden Web search and crawling
* data integration from Web information sources
* modeling and describing evolving data sources
* adaptive integration of evolving data sources
* information gathering support for knowledge-intensive enterprises
* search over semi-structural Web sources
* business models for a content

5) Web services
* software as a service (SaaS)
* service oriented computing (SOA)
* semantic web services
* composition, choreography and orchestration
* open, decentralized self-service
* trust and quality of service (QoS)
* service level agreements

6) Collaboration
* social networks and social wikis
* enterprise mashups, Enterprise 2.0
* infrastructures for collaboration (P2P, TSC, etc.)
* semantic grid
* security in distributed systems
* Web-based model for discoverability, consumption, and reuse

7) E-government

* e-participation, e-democracy
* e-administration
* digital divide
* government application integration
* e-government and multilingualism
* interoperability of public administrations and private-public partnership

Submission Guidelines

Each submission of proposed tutorial (max three A4 pages in PDF format) 
should describe:

* title of the tutorial
* abstract of the tutorial
* proposed workshop format
* outline of its content
* justification of tutorial's timeliness and relevance to BIS topics
* proposed duration (half-day or full-day tutorials are possible)
* name, affiliation, e-mail address and short biography of proposed 
presenter(s) (including teaching and tutorial presenting experience)

Submissions should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Important dates

* Jan 31, 2008 - submission deadline for tutorial proposals
* decisions on acceptance or rejection of proposed tutorials will be 
taken and announced presenter(s) and applying person within two weeks 
from submission.

Tutorials will be held during BIS conference, 5-7 May 2008, in 
Innsbruck, Austria.

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2008 14:56:07 UTC