Re: RDF vCard effort related to RDF iCalendar

On Wed, 2007-05-02 at 14:20 -0300, Garret Wilson wrote:
> I realize that there has been substantial work on RDF iCalendar. It's 
> important at least to me personally that there is no duplication or 
> inconsistencies in RDF vCard/iCalendar work. I welcome your comments, 
> and feel free to join future semantic-web and/or online meetings 
> regarding our effort.

Wow... lots to digest.

At a glance... I don't see anything about the relationship
of the work you've done to the RDF calendar test suite.
Am I missing it? Can you help me find it?

Also, are you familiar with the change policy
for the namespace?

see section 7. Choosing a namespace policy

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2007 17:58:20 UTC