UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe1 in position 7: ordinal not in range(128)

I have user from Argentina using my service (http://torrez.us/ics2rdf)
based on the toIcal.py scripts. However, he has non-ascii characters and
the script is failing. I just wanted to report the bug.


  File "index.py", line 24, in ?
  File "index.py", line 15, in main
    fromIcal.interpret(sx, ical, url, ['X-'])
  File "/_ics2rdf/fromIcal.py", line 142, in interpret
    doComponents(sx, calendars, iCalendarDefs, suppressed = suppressed)
  File "/_ics2rdf/fromIcal.py", line 350, in doComponents
    doComponents(sx, subs, subDecls, 'component', suppressed = suppressed)
  File "/_ics2rdf/fromIcal.py", line 345, in doComponents
    doProperties(sx, '', props, propDecls, suppressed = suppressed)
  File "/_ics2rdf/fromIcal.py", line 467, in doProperties
    doCalAddress(sx, elt, params, val)
  File "/_ics2rdf/fromIcal.py", line 662, in doCalAddress
    sx.characters(pv, 0, len(pv))
  File "/_ics2rdf/XMLWriter.py", line 79, in characters
    doChars(o, ch, start, length)
  File "/_ics2rdf/XMLWriter.py", line 92, in doChars
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/codecs.py", line 178, in write
    data, consumed = self.encode(object, self.errors)
PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:Artificial Intelligence and the Web\, a special track of techni
 cal conference papers at AAAI-06 <http\://www.cs.umbc.edu/aaai06/>
LOCATION:Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center\, Boston\, USA
SUMMARY:Artificial Intelligence and the Web
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:Mobile Services and Ontologies Workshop\n(MoSO 2006)\nhttp\://w
 ww.deri.at/events/workshops/mdm2006/\n\nat The 7th International Conference
  on Mobile Data Management\n(MDM'06)\nhttp\://www.mdm2006.kddilabs.jp/\n\nM
 ay 9\, 2006\, Nara\, Japan\n-----------------------------------------------
 ---------\n\nTHEME OF THE WORKSHOP\n\nThe theme of the workshop is the inte
 rsection of three major trends in todays\ncomputing\:\n\n    * mobile comp
 uting becomes more and more important. Mobile portable\n      devices have 
 outnumbered already traditional desktop computers and\n      will mould the
  view of computers future generations will have.\n    * service-oriented co
 mputing is viewed by many analysts as the computing\n      paradigm of the 
 near future. It allows for the dynamic integration of\n      functionality 
 provided by different parties.\n    * research on ontologies\, in particula
 r in connection with work on the\n      semantic web and semantic web servi
 ces allows for machine understandable\n      description of functionality a
 nd for automatic interaction of devices without\n      the need for human i
 nvolvement.\n\nThe proposed workshop investigates how mobile computing can 
 benefit from\nservice-orientation and ontologies and vice versa. The vision
  is to extend the\ntypically rather limited capabilities of mobile devices 
 by using services offered\nby other devices\, network providers or third pa
 rties. Adding ontologies to this\nscenario allows this extension to be tran
 sparent to the human user.\n\nGENERAL OVERVIEW\n\nToday\, computers are cha
 nging from big\, grey\, and noisy things on our desks\nto small\, portable\
 , and ever networked devices most of us are carrying around.\nThis new form
  of mobility imposes a shift in how we view computers and the\nway we work 
 with them. In developing countries like India and China Mobile\nInternet 
 can become the only Internet a large portion of population will get\naccess
  to.\n\nServices offer the possibility to overcome the limitations of indiv
 idual mobile\ndevices by making functionality offered by others available t
 o them on an\nas-needed basis. Thus\, using the service-oriented computin
 g paradigm in\nmobile environments will considerably enlarge the variety of
  accessible\napplications and will enable new business opportunities in the
  mobile space\nby delivering integrated functionalities across wireless net
 works. Network\nhosted mobile services will allow mobile operators and thir
 d party mobile\nservices provider to extend their businesses by making thei
 r network services\navailable to a broader audience (e.g. developers\, serv
 ice providers\, etc.)\; device\nhosted service will allow great potential f
 or big innovations for applications and\nservices that can be provided by i
 ndividual mobile device owners.\n\nThese mobile services offer functionalit
 ies and behaviors that can be described\,\nadvertised\, discovered\, and co
 mposed by others. Eventually\, they will be able\nto interoperate even thou
 gh they have not been designed to work together. This\ntype of interoperabi
 lity is based on the ability to understand other services and\nreason about
  their functionalities and behaviors when necessary. In this respect\,\nmob
 ile services can benefit from marrying the Semantic Web\, which provides\nt
 he infrastructure for the extensive usage of distributed knowledge\, to be\
 ndeployed for modeling services and add meaning\, through ontologies\, enab
 ling\nlightweight discovery and composition of mobile services. The ability
  to\nappropriately combine mobility and semantic grounded data sharing has\
 ngenerated and is continuously triggering challenging questions in several 
 areas\nof computer science\, engineering and networking.\n\nThis workshop a
 ims to tackle the research problems around methods\, concepts\,\nmodels\, l
 anguages and technologies that enable new opportunities in the mobile\nspac
 e through adoption\, usage\, and integration of mobile services and ontolog
 ies.\nOf particular interest are the methodologies and technologies that wo
 uld allow\nautomatic tasks to be performed with respect to mobile services 
 and the use of\nontologies in this context.\n\nThis proposed workshop aims 
 to bring together researchers and industry\nattendees addressing many of th
 ese issues\, and promote and foster a greater\nunderstanding of mobile serv
 ice and ontologies and their potential in enabling\nnew business opportunit
 ies in the mobile space.\n\n\nTOPICS\n\nThe following indicates the general
  focus of the workshop. However\, related\ncontributions are welcome as wel
 l.\n\n- architectures for mobile internet services\n- languages for describ
 ing mobile services\n- discovery and matchmaking of ontology based mobile s
 ervices\n- adaptive selection of mobile services\n- ontology management in 
 mobile environments\n- contracting and negotiation with ontology-based mobi
 le services (service\nlevel agreements)\n- approaches to composition of ont
 ology based mobile services\n- invocation\, adaptive execution\, monitoring
 \, and management of mobile services\n- interaction protocols and conversat
 ion models for mobile services\n- ontology-based security and privacy issue
 s in mobile services\n- mobile service applications\n- analysis and design 
 approaches for mobile services\n- reasoning with mobile services\n- ontolog
 y-based policies for mobile services\n- tools for discovery\, matchmaking\,
  selection\, mediation\, composition\,\nmanagement\, and monitoring of mobi
 le services\n- mobile service development\n- multi agent systems and mobile
  services\n\n\nWORKSHOP FORMAT AND ATTENDANCE\n\nThe program will occupy a 
 full day\, and will include presentations of\npapers selected from the full
  papers category (see 'submissions' below)..\n\nPlease note that at least o
 ne author of each accepted submission must\nattend the workshop. The MDM 20
 06 conference formalities are applied\nfor fees and respective organization
 al aspects. Submission of a paper\nis not required for attendance at the wo
 rkshop. However\, in the event\nthat the workshop cannot accommodate all wh
 o would like to participate\,\nthose who have submitted a paper (in any cat
 egory) will be given\npriority for registration.\n\n\nSUBMISSIONS\n\nTwo ca
 tegories of submissions are solicited\:\n\n(1) Full papers (up to 8 pages).
 \n(2) Position papers (up to 2 pages).\n\nAll submissions should be formatt
 ed in the IEEE style. Formatting\ninstructions and LaTeX macros are availab
 le on the IEEE computer\nsociety site\:\n\nLaTex macros\:\n\nftp\://pubftp.
 computer.org/Press/Outgoing/proceedings/IEEE_CS_Latex.zip\n\nFormatting ins
 nftp\://pubftp.computer.org/Press/Outgoing/proceedings/instruct.ps\n\nAll t
 he papers should be submitted in electronic format (pdf version) using\nthe
  following link\:\nhttp\://www.easychair.org/MOSO06/submit/.\n\nFull papers
  will receive a peer-review. Position statements are intended\nto present v
 ery early or planned future work that is regarded as relevant\nto the works
 hop. Position statements are limited to 2 pages\; position\nstatements will
  not receive a peer-review.\n\nAll accepted full papers as well as all posi
 tion papers of attendees will be\npublished in post workshop proceedings in
  IEEE DL. Additionally\, authors\nof selected papers will have the opportun
 ity to submit extended versions\nof their papers for publication with a maj
 or publisher. For these extended\nversions\, an additional review will take
  place.\n\nIMPORTANT DATES\n\nSubmissions\: February 6\, 2006\nAcceptance\:
  March 13\, 2006\nFinal copy\: April 1\, 2006\nWorkshop day\: May 9\, 2006\
 n\nORGANIZING COMMITTEE\n\nChristoph Bussler (DERI\, Ireland)\nBirgitta Kön
 ig-Ries (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena\, Germany)\nDumitru Roman (DER
 I Innsbruck\, Austria)\nJari Veijalainen (University of Potsdam\, Germany)\
 n\nPROGRAM COMMITTEE (confirmed\; to be extended)\n\nNelson Baloyian\, Univ
 ersity of Chile\, Chile\nMartin Bauer\, NEC Europe\, Germany\nSonia Ben Mok
 htar\, INRIA\, France\nRichard Benjamins\, iSOCO\, Spain\nYolande Berbers\,
  Katholieke Universiteit Leuven\, Belgium\nPatricia Charlton\, Motorola Lab
 s\, UK\nJohn Domingue\, Open University\, UK\nDieter Fensel\, DERI\, Austri
 a and Ireland\nFabien Gandon\, INRIA Sophia Antipolis\, France\nWalter Goix
 \, Telecom Italia\, Italy\nMartin Hepp\, DERI Innsbruck\, Austria\nEero Hyv
LOCATION:Nara\, Japan
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:                           MAS*BIOMED'06\n        Call for Pape
 rs Second International Workshop on\n  Agents in Medicine\, Computational B
 iology\, and Bioinformatics\n                                          (htt
 p\://www.diee.unica.it/biomed06/)\n \n                    Workshop to be he
 ld at the\n             Fifth International Joint Conference on\n        Au
 tonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2006)\n                  (http\
 ://www.fun.ac.jp/aamas2006/)\n \n                  Future University-Hakoda
 te\, Japan\n                            9th May 2006\n \n \nImportant Dates
 \nSubmission Deadline\:          January 15\, 2006\; extended to Feb\, 1\nN
 otification of Acceptance\:   February 19\, 2006\nCamera ready\:           
       March 5\, 2006\nWorkshop\:                     May 9\, 2006\n \n \nMo
 tivation and Description\nThere is growing evidence that agent technology c
 an be useful in designing and implementing solutions aimed at supporting th
 e automation of medical and biological procedures. While it is essential fo
 r computer scientists and software developers to understand the specific pr
 oblems in medicine and biology\, it is also essential for an expert of eith
 er domain to understand the capabilities of agent technology. The main purp
 ose of this workshop is to bring together and create synergies between rese
 archers on these fields in order to discuss relevant issues and approaches 
 aimed at assessing and promoting the adoption of agent technology. It is in
 tended that the workshop mainly focuses on the benefits of adopting agent t
 echnology in\:\n(i) storing\, accessing\, and distributing relevant medical
  or biological data\,\n(ii) implementing the automation of information-gath
 ering and information-inference processes in medical and biological setting
 s\,\n(iii) supporting e-Health\,\n(iv) simulating and modeling biological s
 ystems.\n \nThis workshop aims to attract both theoretically and practicall
 y oriented papers in these thriving areas in the intersection of medicine a
 nd biology with computer science. The workshop will also focus on supportin
 g infrastructures\, such as agent-based systems\, tools\, languages\, ontol
 ogies\, and networking facilities for medicine\, bioinformatics and computa
 tional biology. Papers on the application and evaluation of agent approache
 s to the solution of problems in these fields will be particularly sought.\
 n \n \nTopics of interest include but are not limited to\:\n* Multi-Agent I
 nteraction in Medical or Biological Settings\n   Coordination of tasks and
  data\n   Collaboration in peer-to-peer networks\n   Multi-strategy and m
 eta- learning for cooperative information agents\n \n* Analysis and Modelin
 g of Data and Tasks\n   Multi-agent systems for medical pre-detection\, di
 agnosis\, and treatment\n   Multi-agent systems for patient scheduling\, t
 ransplant management\, community care\, information access\, training\,\n  
   internal hospital and clinic tasks\, etc.\n   Integrated genotyping and 
 gene linkage analysis\n   Multi-agent approaches to gene expression analys
 is\n   Modeling of biological processes\n \n* Architectures\, Languages\, 
 Tools\, and Applications\n   Agent-based architectures and frameworks tail
 ored for medical or biological domains\n   Customization of agent-based to
 ols\, languages\, and libraries for medical or biological domains\n \n* Kno
 wledge management\n   Agent-based integration of biological knowledge\n  
  Agent-based data mining and knowledge discovery in medical or biological d
 omains\n   Multi-agent information gathering in medical or biological sett
 ings\n   Integration of heterogeneous data sources and/or services\n \n* O
 ntologies for Medical or Biological Domains\n   Collaborative ontology con
 struction\n   Distributed ontology management\n \n \nSubmission Procedure\
 nThose wishing to participate in the workshop are requested to submit an or
 iginal research paper\, not published or submitted elsewhere. Papers will b
 e peer reviewed by at least two referees from the workshops program commit
 tee based on the technical relevance\, quality\, clarity of presentation\, 
 objective analysis of the reported experiences\, and novelty. High-profile 
 survey papers could be also considered for publication. The length of a pap
 er must not exceed 15 single-spaced A4 pages including figures\, tables\, a
 nd references. Papers should be formatted using the Springer LNCS style. Te
 mplates are available at Springer. The language of the workshop is English.
  At least one of the authors per each accepted paper should be able to regi
 ster with and attend the workshop and present the paper. All submissions sh
 ould be sent by email\, either in PDF or in PostScript format\, to\nbiomed0
 6 AT diee.unica.it.\nThe subject of the email should contain medicine or 
 biology within square brackets to facilitate the organizing committee in 
 the task of associating papers to referees. All the accepted papers will be
  printed in the workshop proceedings of the workshop.\nA selection of the b
 est papers presented at this workshop will be considered for a special issu
 e on the same theme at Multiagent and Grid Systems - an International Jour
 nal by IOS press.\n \n \nOrganizing Committee\nGiuliano Armano (giuliano.a
 rmano@diee.unica.it)\nDept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  Univ
 . of Cagliari (Italy)\nPiazza DArmi  09123 Cagliari (Italy)\n \nAndrew Ma
 rtin (martin@biochem.ucl.ac.uk)\nDept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 
  Univ. College London (UK)\nDarwin Building - Gower Street London WC1E 6BT
  - England\n \nHuaglory Tianfield (h.tianfield@gcal.ac.uk)\nGlasgow Caledon
 ian University\, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences\, SRIF/SHEFC
 \nCentre for Virtual Organization Technology Enabling Research (VOTER)  Di
 rector\n70 Cowcaddens Road\, Glasgow\, G4 0BA\, UK\n \nRainer Unland (Unlan
 dR@informatik.uni-essen.de)\nInst. for Computer Science and Business Inform
 ation Systems (ICB)\, University of Duisburg-Essen\nSchuetzenbahn 70\, 4511
 7 Essen\, Germany\n \n \nPublishing Chair\nEloisa Vargiu (vargiu@diee.unica
 .it)\nDept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  Univ. of Cagliari (I
 taly)\nPiazza DArmi  09123 Cagliari (Italy)\n \n \nPreliminary Program Co
 mmittee\n  Martin Beer\, Sheffield Hallam University (UK)\nHans Czap\, Univ
 . of Trier (Germany)\nJoerg Denzinger\, Univ. of Calgary (Canada)\nJürgen K
 lüver\, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)\nPatty Kostkova\, City Unive
 rsity (UK)\nEmanuela Merelli\, Univ. of Camerino (Italy)\nLuciano Milanesi\
 , Institute of Biomedical Technologies I.T.B. (Italy)\nSimon Miles\, Univer
 sity of Southampton (UK)\nAgostino Poggi\, Univ. of Parma (Italy)\nDavid Ri
 año\, Rovira i Virgili University (Spain)\nMargarita Sordo\, Harvard Medica
 l School (US)\nJürgen Stausberg\, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)\nC
 hristina Stoica\, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)\nEloisa Vargiu\, U
 niv. of Cagliari (Italy)\n\n-- \n\n\n\n
LOCATION:Future University\, Hakodate\, Japan
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
  conjunction with WWW 2006 \nEdinburgh\, Scotland\, May 22/23\, 2006\nhttp\
 ://www.l3s.de/~olmedilla/events/MTW06_Workshop.html\n\n\nWorkshop Outline\n
 ----------------\n\n    \"There are three types of lies - lies\, damn lies\
 , and facts found\non the Web.\"\n    Dr. Tim Finin\, paraphrasing the well
  known quotation by \n    Benjamin Disraeli on Statistics\n  \nAs it gets e
 asier to add information to the web via html pages\, wikis\, \nblogs\, and 
 other documents\, it gets tougher to distinguish accurate \ninformation fro
 m inaccurate or untrustworthy information. A search\nengine query usually r
 esults in several hits that are outdated and/or \nfrom unreliable sources a
 nd the user is forced to go through the \nresults and pick what she/he cons
 iders the most reliable information \nbased on her/his trust requirements. 
 With the introduction of web \nservices\, the problem is further exacerbate
 d as users have to come up \nwith a new set of requirements for trusting we
 b services and web \nservices themselves require a more automated way of tr
 usting each \nother. Apart from inaccurate or outdated information\, we als
 o need to \nanticipate Semantic Web Spam (SWAM) -- where spammers publish f
 alse \nfacts and scams to deliberately mislead users. This workshop is \nin
 terested in all aspects of enabling trust on the web.\n\nThis workshop will
  bring together researchers and experts from \ndifferent communities (e.g.\
 , Information Systems\, Database\, Semantic \nWeb\, Web Services) intereste
 d in topics like trust\, provenance\,\nprivacy\, security\, reputation and 
 spam\, in order to address current\nchallenges of their application to dist
 ributed environments like the\nWeb. The workshop will deliver a state-of-th
 e-art overview\,\nsuccessful research advances in the area as well as guide
 lines for \nfuture research.\n \n\nTopics\n------\n\nWorkshop topics includ
 e\, but are not limited to\, the following\:\n\n    * Trust specification a
 nd reasoning\n    * Trust policies representation and enforcement\n    * Ce
 rtificate management for trust\n    * Relationship between provenance and t
 rust\n    * Modeling and maintaining provenance\n    * Reputation managemen
 t\n    * Models for learning trust and the evolution of trust\n    * Decent
 ralized trust models\n    * Case studies\n    * How trust helps in identify
 ing spam and SWAM (Semantic Web Spam)\n    * Legal notion of trust\n    * H
 ow to work without trust (e.g. risk management)\n    * Requirements for tru
 sting information\, services\, users on the web\n    * Trust in business ru
 les and contracts\n    * Justification for conclusions\n    * Explanations 
 for advanced query answering\n    * Trust negotiation\n    * Information qu
 ality\n\n\nSubmissions\n-----------\n\nFull research papers describing comp
 leted research as well as position\npapers describing proposed research are
  welcome. We also seek\ndemonstration papers outlining practical work in th
 is field.\n\nSubmissions must conform to the ACM formatting guidelines for 
 WWW2006 (follow\nthe instructions for \"Formatting your Paper\") and must n
 ot exceed 10 pages for\nfull (research) papers and 5 pages for demo\, short
  or position papers\,\nincluding all text\, references\, appendices\, and f
 igures. Submissions must be\nin Portable Document Format (PDF).\n\nPapers s
 hould be submitted electronically via the MTW EasyChair page at \nhttp\://w
 ww.easychair.org/MTW06/submit/\n\nRegistration for the workshop is via the 
 WWW2006 website. For accepted papers\,\nat least one author is expected to 
 participate in the workshop. The organizers\nreserve the right to withdraw 
 from the proceedings a paper whose authors do\nnot attend the workshop. If 
 you have any questions\, please contact one of the\norganizing committee.\n
 \nImportant dates \:\n    * Submission deadline\: February 10\, 2006\n    *
  Notification for acceptance\: March 10\, 2006\n    * Camera ready due\: Ma
 rch 31\, 2006\n\n\nVenue\n-----\n\nThe workshop will be held at the 15th In
 ternational World Wide Web Conference\non May 22/23\, 2006 in Edinburgh\, S
 cotland\n\n\nOrganizing Committee\n--------------------\n    Tim Finin\, Un
 iversity of Maryland Baltimore County\n    Lalana Kagal\, Massachusetts Ins
 titute of Technology\n    Daniel Olmedilla\, L3S Research Center and Hanove
 r University\n\n\nProgram Committee\n-----------------\n\n    * Elisa Berti
 no\, Purdue University\n    * Chris Bizer\, FU Berlin\n    * Piero Bonatti\
 , University of Naples\n    * Tim Finin\, UMBC\n    * Rino Falcone\, Instit
 ute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies\n    * Jennifer Golbeck\, UMD\n 
    * Sandro Hawke\, W3C & MIT\n    * Anupam Joshi\, UMBC\n    * Lalana Kaga
 l\, MIT\n    * Brian LaMacchia\, Microsoft\n    * Jiangtao Li\, Purdue Univ
 ersity\n    * Fabio Martinelli\, CNR\n    * Deborah McGuinness\, Stanford\n
     * Rebecca Montanari\, University of Bologna\n    * Wolfgang Nejdl\, L3S
  and University of Hannover\n    * Daniel Olmedilla\, L3S and University of
  Hannover\n    * Filip Perich\, Shared Spectrum & UMBC\n    * Omer F. Rana\
 , Cardiff University\n    * Norman Sadeh\, CMU\n    * Kent Seamons\, BYU\n 
    * Nahid Shahmehri\, Linkopings universitet\n    * Bhavani Thuraisingham\
 , UT Dallas\n    * Mahesh Tripunitara\, Motorola Labs\n    * Marianne Winsl
 ett\, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign\n    * Sheng Zhong\, State
  University of New York at Buffalo\n\n=====================================
LOCATION:Edinburgh\, Scotland
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:Special Track & Forecasting Competition on \n\"FORECASTING WITH
  ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS\"\nhttp\://www.neural-forecasting.com/ISF_2006.
 htm\n\n@ The 26th International Symposium on Forecasting 2006\nJune 11-14\,
  2006\, Santander\, Spain\nhttp\://www.isf2006.org \n\n====================
 =============================\n\nDear Researchers and Practitioners!\nYou a
 re invited to submit an abstract related to the theory and practice of\nfor
 ecasting with artificial neural networks to the special track at the 2006\n
 International Symposium of Forecasting. All accepted and presented abstract
 s\nwill be invited to submit full papers to be considered for post conferen
 ce\npublication. Please find instructions below or visit the special sessio
 n\nwebsite at http\://www.neural-forecasting.com/ISF_2006.htm \n\nTo partic
 ipate & receive updates\, please indicate your interest by sending\nan empt
 y email to s.crone@neural-forecasting.com with \"ISF2006 info\" in the\nsub
 ject line.\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------
 --------\nGeneral CfP\n----------------------------------------------------
 ---------------\nWe invite abstracts related to the theory and practice of 
 forecasting with\nneural networks\, describing new techniques\, methods and
  models and novel\napplications. Particular emphasis is given to submission
 s related to the use\nof NN in changing environments\, the 2006 ISF theme. 
 We strongly encourage\nsubmissions from practitioners documenting successfu
 l AND unsuccessful novel\napplications of NN in practice. A list of topics 
 of interest is given below\:\n\nMethods (include but are not limited to)\:\
 n- artificial neural networks (all paradigms)\n- feedforward & recurrent\n-
  single methods & ensembles\n- support vector machines & regression\n- NN r
 elated & hybrid soft computing methods\n- etc.\n\nApplications (include but
  are not limited to)\:\n- business forecasting & demand planning\n- time se
 ries prediction & analysis \n- predictive classification & data mining\n- e
 tc.\n\nTheory\n- Use of NN in changing environments\n- Stability & retraini
 ng of networks\n- Principles of modelling NN for forecasting\n- Data-prepro
 cessing for NN forecasting \n- Model selection of NN candidates\n- etc.\n\n
 casting Competition CfP\n--------------------------------------------------
 -----------------\nIn addition to the general track\, we invite submissions
  to a \"forecasting\ncompetition\". As in the previous year\, we invite res
 earch and practitioner\nteams to participate in a forecasting competition o
 pen to neural networks\nand methods from computational intelligence. The 20
 06 competition will focus\non river flood forecasting and will be organised
  by Chris Dawson. To present\nresults each participant must also submit an 
 abstract and register at the\nconference. More information and datasets may
  be found at\nhttp\://www.neural-forecasting.com/ISF06_Neural_forecasting_c
 ompetition.htm \n\n\n------------------------------------------------------
 -------------\nSubmission of Abstracts / Papers \n-------------------------
 ------------------------------------------\nProspective authors are invited
  to submit their abstract (limit of 300\nwords\, Arial\, 10pt\, no mathemat
 ics\, no references\, a blank line between\nparagraphs) electronically on t
 he conference website www.isf2006.org\nfollowing the guidelines posted ther
 e. The review process will contain at\nleast two independent reviewers. For
  the forecasting competition\, the\nabstract should describe the NN model a
 nd modelling process applied. Full\nsubmissions in a Springer publication o
 n \"Advances in Forecasting with\nNeural Networks\" will be encouraged afte
 r the conference. All submissions\nmust be received by February 28th 2006. 
 nference Information \n----------------------------------------------------
 ---------------\nThe 26th International Symposium on Forecasting\, organise
 d annually by the\nInternational Institute of Forecasting\, is the premier 
 conference for\nresearchers and practitioners in forecasting. The 2005 conf
 erence in San\nAntonio attracted over 200 presentations in all areas of for
 ecasting\, with\n31 presentations dedicated to neural networks for forecast
 ing in 7 sessions\,\nspread across 3 tracks of NN theory\, NN applications 
 and a NN forecasting\ncompetition. It comprised one of the largest gatherin
 gs focussed on neural\nforecasting in 2006 and provided a premier opportuni
 ty for networking within\nthe field. All recent ISF conferences have hosted
  a dedicated track on NN in\naddition to various submissions to alternative
  tracks of nonlinear methods\,\nand application focused tracks such as fina
 ncial forecasting\, forecasting in\nsports etc \n\nThe Symposium will be he
 ld at the Magdalena Palace\, the former summer\nresidence of the Kings of S
 pain\, in Santander's historic peninsula which\nboasts superb views of Sant
 ander's famous harbour. The organisers are\nlooking forward to giving you a
  taste of Spanish hospitality and special\nimpressions of their splendid ci
 ty and exciting country! For Information on\nSantander please follow the li
 nks from the conference website at\nwww.isf2006.org \n\n-------------------
 ------------------------------------------------\nImportant Dates \n-------
 ------------------------------------------------------------\nFebruary 28th
 \, 2006 Abstracts due\nMarch 27th\, 2006 Notification of acceptance\nApril 
 17th\, 2006 Registration deadline\nJune 11-14\, 2006 25th International Sym
 posium on Forecasting 2006\nAugust 2006 Call for Post-conference publicatio
 Contact Information \n-----------------------------------------------------
 --------------\n\nTrack Chair\nSven F. Crone\n\nLancaster University\nResea
 rch Centre for Forecasting\nDept. of Management Science\nCentre for Forecas
LOCATION:Santander\, Spain
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:5th International Workshop on Web Semantics (WebS 2006)\,\n    
       in conjunction with\n                               DEXA 2006\n 17th 
 International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications\n\n   
                     September 4 - 8\, 2006 Krakow\, Poland\n               
              http\://www.dexa.org/ \n\nDear Colleagues\,\n\nyou are invited
  to submit your papers to the 5th International Workshop on Web Semantics (
 part of the 17th International Workshop\non Database and Expert Systems App
 lications DEXA)\, to be held in Krakow\, Poland\, September 4 - 8\, 2006.\n
 \nThe objective of the workshop Web Semantics (WebS) is to bring together r
 esearchers\, developers and practitioners to discuss\nresearch issues and e
 xperience in developing and deploying Semantic Web concepts\, applications\
 , and solutions being an\ninternational forum for the presentation of both 
 theoretical and applicative results. Papers describing Semantic Web applica
 tion\nexperiences are particularly encouraged.\n\n\nTOPICS\:\n=======\nThe 
 relevant topics include the following (but are not limited to)\:\n\n  * Kno
 wledge Management and Sharing\n  * Domain Specific vs. Upper Level Ontologi
 es\n  * Visual Modeling of Semantic Webs\n  * Semantic Web for e-learning\n
   * Semantic Web for e-sciences\n  * Semantic Web for e-business\n  * Seman
 tic Information Brokering and Interoperability\n  * Document Analysis and S
 emantic Extraction\n  * Semantic Web Mining\n  * Semantic Web Inferences Sc
 hemes\n  * Semantic Web Applications\n        o Database Technologies for t
 he Semantic Web\n        o Intelligent User Interfaces\n        o Dynamic O
 ntology Generation and Adaptation\n        o Languages\, Tools and Methodol
 ogies for Semantic Annotations of Web Data\n        o Applications on Mobil
 e Devices\n        o Enhanced Accessibility and Multimodal Interfaces\n    
     o Reasoning\n  * Special Interoperability\n\n\nPAPER SUBMISSION DETAILS
 \:\n=========================\nAuthors are invited to submit original\, unp
 ublished research and application papers that are not being considered in a
 nother forum.\nManuscripts will be limited to 5 two-column pages (IEEE Proc
 eeding style) including figures and references. Please follow the IEEE\nCom
 puter Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare your papers. A
 uthors of accepted papers are requested to sign the\nIEEE copyright form. T
 he author guidelines can be found at IEEE Conference Publishing Services - 
 Proceedings Author Forms.\nElectronic submission of manuscripts (in postscr
 ipt\, word or pdf format) is required and will be handled via the workshop 
 Web site\nhttp\://www.dexa.org/drupal/?q=webs. For any questions please con
 tact webs@faw.uni-linz.ac.at.\n\nAt least one author of each accepted paper
  is required to attend the conference and present the paper. Papers accepte
 d for\npresentation will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press as pro
 ceedings of the DEXA'06 workshops.\nAuthors are requested to send the abstr
 act of their paper to be received by February 24\, 2006. The file of the fu
 ll paper should be\nsubmitted to be received by March 03\, 2006.\n\n\nEVALU
 ATION PROCESS\:\n===================\nAll submissions will be evaluated for
  originality\, significance\, clarity\, and technical soundness. Each paper
  will be refereed by\nat least two to three researchers in the topical area
 .\n\n\nIMPORTANT DATES\:\n================\nAbstract submission\: February 
 24\, 2006\nPaper submission\: March 03\, 2006\nNotification of acceptance\:
  May 9\, 2006\nCamera-ready copies due\: May 26\, 2006\nWebs 2006 Workshop\
 : September 4 - 8\, 2006\n\n\nWEBS CHAIRS\:\n============\nEva Gahleitner (
 FAW\, Johannes Kepler University of Linz\, Austria)\nWolfram Wöß (FAW\, Joh
 annes Kepler University of Linz\, Austria)\n\n\nPROGRAMM COMMITTEE\:\n-----
 --------------\nAbramowicz Witold\, Poznan University of Economics\, Poland
 \nAdiba Michel\, Laboratoire IMAG-LSR\, France\nAldana Montes José Francisc
 o\, Universidad de Málaga\, Spain\nBaralis Elena\, Politecnico di Torino\, 
 Italy\nBernardino Jorge\, ISEC\, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra\, Portuga
 l\nBhowmick Sourav Saha\, Nanyang Technological University\, Singapore\nBin
 der Walter\, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory\, Swiss Federal Institute o
 f Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)\, Switzerland\nBlake Brian\, Georgetown Uni
 versity\, Washington\, DC\, USA\nBodenhofer Ulrich\, Software Competence Ce
 nter Hagenberg\, Austria\nBrank Janez\, Jozef Stefan Institute\, Ljubljana\
 , Slovenia\nBuhler Paul\, College of Charleston\, USA\nBurget Radek\, Facul
 ty of Information Technology\, Brno\, Czech Republic\nBurstein Mark\, BBN T
 echnologies\, Boston\, MA\, USA\nCalleja Antonio\, CRC Information Technolo
 gies\, Spain\nCarminati Barbara\, University of Insubria\, Italy\nCatania B
 arbara\, DISI\, University of Geneve\, Switzerland\nCavedon Lawrence\, CSLI
 \, Stanford University\, CA\, USA\nChalupsky Hans\, University of Southern 
 California\, USA\nChoenni Sunil\, University of Twente\, The Netherlands\nC
 ostilla Carmen\, Ciudad Universitaria\, Madrid\, Spain\nCremades José\, CRC
  Information Technologies\, Spain\nDe Antonellis Valeria\, Dipartimento di 
 Elettronica per l'Automazione\, Brescia\, Italy\nde Souza Baptista Cláudio\
 , DSC\, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande\, Brasilia\nDebenham John\, 
 University of Technology\, Sydney\, Australia\nDemurjian Steven A.\, Univer
 sity of Connecticut\, USA\nDenker Grit\, SRI International\, Menlo Park\, C
 A\, USA\nDickinson Ian J\, HP Labs\, Bristol\, UK\nDillon Tharam\, Universi
 ty of Technology Sydney\, Australia\nDing Ying\, University of Innsbruck\, 
 Austria\nFeng Ling\, University of Twente\, The Netherlands\nFensel Dieter\
 , University Innsbruck\, Austria\nFerrara Alfio\, DICO - Università degli S
 tudi di Milano\, Italy\nFerrari Elena\, University of Insubria\, Italy\nGah
 leitner Eva\, Johannes Kepler University of Linz\, Austria\nGanascia Jean-G
 abriel\, Université Paris VI\, France\nGandon Fabien\, ISRI\, Carnegie Mell
 on University\, Pittsburgh\, PA\, USA\nGoderis Antoon\, University of Manch
 ester\, UK\nGómez Jorge Carlos Marx\, Universität Magdeburg\, Germany\nGupt
 a S.K.\, IIT Delhi\, India\nHameurlain Abdelkader\, Université Paul Sabatie
 r\, France\nHara Carmem Satie\, Universidade Federal do Parana\, Brasilia\n
 Hayes Pat\, University of West Florida\, USA\nHess Andreas\, University Col
 lege\, Dublin\, Ireland\nHeymans Stijn\, VUB\, Universiteit Brussel\, Belgi
 um\nHori Masahiro\, IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory\, Japan\nHotho Andreas\, 
 University of Karlsruhe\, Germany\nHoward Randy\, George Manson University\
 , USA\nIsoird Gael\, Le Laboratoire d'Informatique\, de Robotique et de Mic
 roélectronique de Montpellier\, France\nKalinis Panos\, National University
  of Singapore\, Singapore\nKaski Samuel\, University of Helsinki\, Finland\
 nKawano Hiroyuki\, Kyoto University\, Japan\nKlein Michael\, University of 
 Karlsruhe\, Germany\nKlein Michel\, Vrije Universiteit\, The Netherlands\nK
 lischewski Ralf\, Faculty of Management Technology\, German University in C
 airo\, Egypt\nKlusch Matthias\, German Research Center for Artificial Intel
 ligence\, Saarbrucken\, Germany\nKo In-Young\, Information and Communicatio
 ns University\, Korea\nLara Rubén\, Institut fuer Informatik (IFI)\, Univer
 sity Innsbruck\, Austria\nLeonard Michel\, University of Geneve\, Switzerla
 nd\nLilien Leszek\, Western Michigan University\, USA\nMadhusudan Therani\,
  Department of MIS\, University of Arizona\, Tucson\, USA\nMadria Sanjay Ku
 mar\, University of Missouri-Rolla\, USA\nMalyankar Raphael\, Arizona State
  University\, USA\nMatthews Brian\, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory\, 
 Didcot\, UK\nMcGinnis Jarred\, University of Edinburgh\, Scotland\, UK\nMic
 hlmayr Elke\, WIT\, TU Wien\, Austria\nMissikoff Michele\, Lab for Enterpri
 se Knowledge and Systems\, IASI - CNR\, Italy\nMondal Anirban\, University 
 of Tokyo\, Japan\nNavas Delgado Ismael\, Universidad de Málaga\, Spain\nNav
 erette Toni\, Departament de Technologia\, Universitat Pompeu Fabra\, Barce
 lona\, Spain\nNg Wee Keong\, Nanyang Technological University\, Singapore\n
 Omelayenko Borys\, Free University Amsterdam\, The Netherlands\nPalacios Ju
 an Pablo\, Sindbad Information and Database Systems\, Spain\nPaolucci Massi
 mo\, DoCoMo EuroLabs\, USA\nParaboschi Stefano\, Politecnico di Milano\, It
 aly\nPaslaru Bontas Elena\, Freie Universität Berlin\, Germany\nPedersen To
 rben Bach\, Aalborg University\, Denmark\nPenin Manuel Lama\, University of
  Santiago de Compostela\, Spain\nPlexousakis Di
LOCATION:Krakow\, Poland
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:1st International Workshop on Semantic Technologies in Collabor
 ative\nApplications STICA06  \n \nat the \n \n15th IEEE International Works
 hops on Enabling Technologies\: \nInfrastructures\nfor Collaborative Enterp
 rises (WETICE-2006) The University of \nManchester\,\nManchester\, U.K. (26
 th-28th June 2006)\n \nhttp\://nbi.inf.fu-berlin.de/conf/STICA06\n \n======
 ====================================================\n \nMOTIVATION\n======
 ============\nWith distributed information systems and the Internet continu
 ally \nincreasing in significance\, collaboratively creating and managing \
 ninformation has become an essential requirement for the success of (virtua
 l)\n\norganizations. This situation has led to a plethora of platforms supp
 orting \ncooperation as well as joint information access among geographical
 ly\ndispersed \nuser communities that have emerged in the last decades\: co
 llaborative \ninformation spaces\, tele-cooperation\, autonomous agents or\
 , more recently\, \nvarious Web-related forms of communication and cooperat
 ion such as\ndiscussion forums\, \ncommunity portals\, Wikis and blogs.\n \
 nA fundamental requirement for an effective collaboration is the \nAvailabi
 lity of technologies and tools which provide an explicit and \nunambiguous 
 representation of the shared information and a feasible\nmanagement of \nsu
 ch semantics-enhanced information repositories.  The emergence of the \nSem
 antic Web has marked an important stage in the evolution of semantic \ntech
 nologies. In this context the knowledge components i.e. ontologies are \nfo
 rmalized using Web-suitable\, but in the same time semantically unambiguous
 \nrepresentation languages\, are accessible and can be shared and reused ac
 ross\nthe World Wide Web.  \n \nThe Semantic Web offers new opportunities f
 or the next generation of\ncollaborative \napplications\: it provides us wi
 th novel means to classify information items\ni.e. \nby means of ontologies
  which formally represent the consensual understanding\nof the \napplicatio
 n users w.r.t. a particular domain of interest. Taking advantage\nof this t
 echnology\, \nthe first promising implementations of Semantic Web-based col
 laboration\nplatforms \nsuch as Semantic Web portals\, semantic Wikis and b
 logs\, to name only a few\,\nhave been proposed. \n \nThis workshop aims at
  contributing to this young application field by\nproviding a forum \nfor p
 ractitioners and researchers to present innovative approaches to\napplying 
 Semantic Web \ntechnologies in collaborative environments and to discuss th
 e opportunities\nand challenges \nrelated to this topic.\n \nOBJECTIVES\n==
 ==============\nThe primary objective of this workshop is to gather researc
 hers and\npractitioners working \nin different emerging aspects of semantic
 s-enabled collaboration\, ranging\nfrom \ndiscovering new application scena
 rios\, proposing new methods to apply\nSemantic Web and \nrelated emerging 
 technologies to current environments\, pointing out issues \nthat still nee
 d to be solved\, and reporting results and experiences gained\nduring \nthe
  deployment of collaborative methods and the realization of support\nsystem
 s.\n \nTOPICS OF INTEREST\n=================\nWe invite original academic a
 nd industry contributions which report on\nissues related to \nsemantic col
 laboration. \nTopics of interest include but are not limited to\: \n \n    
         -- Methodologies for collaboratively creating and managing\nshared 
 information \n            -- Collaborative ontology engineering \n         
    -- Semantic collaboration applications \n            -- Collaborative Se
 mantic Web portals \n            -- Semantic community support systems \n  
           -- Semantic Wikis \n            -- Semantic Blogging \n          
   -- Semantic Mindmapping and Conceptmapping \n            -- Case studies\
 , lessons learned and experience reports on\nsemantics-aware \ncollaborativ
 e applications \n            -- Studies on the value added to collaboration
  by semantic\ntechnologies\n            -- Future research directions in th
 e area of semantic\ncollaboration \n \nORGANIZERS\n=================\nRober
 t Tolksdorf\, Elena Paslaru Bontas\, Klaus Schild\n \nFreie Universität Ber
 lin\nAG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme\nTakustr. 9\nD-14195 Berlin\nGerma
 ny\n \n{tolk|paslaru|schild}@inf.fu-berlin.de \n\nPROGRAM COMMITTEE\n======
 ===========\nSören Auer\, Universität Leipzig \nDavid Aumüller\, Universitä
 t Leipzig \nMatteo Bonifacio\, University of Trento \nAlberto J. Cañas\, In
 stitute for Human & Machine Cognition \nBjörn Decker\, FhG IESE \nJohn Domi
 ngue\, Open University \nNicola Henze\, Universität Hannover \nMartin Hepp\
 , DERI Innsbruck \nPeter Mika\, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam \nSofia Pinto\
 , University of Lisbon \nDirk Riehle\, Bayave Software GmbH \nSebastian Sch
 affert\, Salzburg Research \nHans Peter Schnurr\, Ontoprise \nAdam Souzis\,
  Liminal Systems \nSteffen Staab\, Universität Koblenz-Landau \nHeiner Stuc
 kenschmidt\, Universität Mannheim \nYork Sure\, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 
 \nChristoph Tempich\, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) \nLudger van Elst\, DFKI\n
  \nSUBMISSION AND PROCEEDINGS\n===========================\nSubmission of p
 apers will take place electronically at \nhttp\://conference.ag-nbi.de/stic
 a06. The papers should be submitted in \nPDF format and should not exceed 6
  pages in IEEE format \n(this will also be the page limit for the proceedin
 gs).\n\nAll submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by a minimum of three pe
 ople. \nThe accepted papers and the summary report on the workshop will be 
 published\nin \nthe post-conference proceedings and directly mailed to the 
 registered\nauthors \nby the IEEE Computer Press after the conference. Plea
 se note that in order\nfor \nan accepted paper to be published in the confe
 rence proceedings at least one\nof \nits authors is required to register an
 d present the paper at WETICE-2006.\n\nIMPORTANT DATES\n================\nD
 eadline for paper submission\: February 10\, 2006\nDecision to paper author
 s\: April 7\, 2006\nFinal version of accepted papers due to IEEE\: May 12\,
  2006 \nAdvance Registration discount and deadline \nOn-site registration a
 fter this date\: May 12\, 2006 \nWETICE-2006 Workshops and On-site registra
 tion\: June 26-28\, 2006\n
LOCATION:University of Manchester\, Manchester\, United Kingdom
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:===========================================\neChallenges e-2006
  Conference & Exhibition \nBarcelona\, Spain\n25 - 27 October 2006\n=======
 ====================================\n\nDear Colleagues\,\n \neChallenges e
 -2006 Conference & Exhibition takes place in Barcelona\, \nSpain 25 - 27 Oc
 tober. This is the sixteenth in a series of Annual \nConferences supported 
 by the European Commission\, which regularly \nattracts over 550 delegates 
 from leading commercial\, government and \nresearch organisations around th
 e world to share knowledge and \nexperience\, lessons learnt and good pract
 ice. \n \nThe International Programme Committee for e-2006 is now inviting 
 \nextended abstracts (1\,000 - 1\,200 words) for technical papers\, \nvisio
 nary papers and business case studies. Proposals to arrange \nworkshop sess
 ions are also welcome. Related themes and suggestions \nfor papers and sess
 ions are outlined in the Call for Papers \nhttp\://www.echallenges.org/e200
 6/default.asp?page=c4p\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nKeynote Speakers\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~\nKeynote Speakers confirmed to date include \n- Maravillas Rojo Torreci
 lla\, Councillor for Employment and \nInnovation\, Ajuntament de Barcelona 
 \n- Joao Da Silva\, Director of the European Commission\n- Ingo Juraske\, V
 P EMEA\, Hewlett Packard Europe\n- Rosalie Zobel\, Director of the European
  Commission\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nMajor Sponsors\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nMajor Sponso
 rs confirmed to date include \n- Generalitat de Catalunya\n- Ajuntament de 
 Barcelona\n- Hewlett-Packard Europe\n \neChallenges e-2006 is also supporte
 d by the European Commission. \n \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nTechnical Co-Spon
 sors\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nTechnical Co-Sponsors include \n- IEEE Region 
 8 (Europe\, Middle East\, Africa)\n- IEEE Spain Section\n- IEEE Spain Compu
 ter Chapter\n- IEEE Spain Signal Processing & Communications Joint Chapter\
 n- IEEE UKRI Computer Chapter\n- IEEE Control and Communications (Ireland) 
 Joint Chapter\n \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nPapers and Workshop Subm
 issions\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nAll abstracts (www.echallenges.or
 g/e2006/default.asp?page=submission) \nmust be submitted online by 28 Febru
 ary for double blind peer review \nby the International Programme Committee
  \n(http\://www.echallenges.org/e2006/default.asp?page=committees). \n \nPa
 pers should focus on a research or eAdoption topic on which a case \nstudy\
 , initial or final results can be published. General project \ndescriptions
  are not appropriate. All papers must highlight the level \nof innovation a
 nd actual or expected impact. \n \nPlease bear in mind that the extended ab
 stracts submitted are double \nblind reviewed so they should not provide co
 ntact details within the \ntext of the abstract submitted at this stage. Co
 ntact details are \nregistered online and the paper reference number is ass
 ociated with \nthe author's userId.\n \nWorkshop proposals must also be reg
 istered by 28 February 2006 \nhttp\://www.echallenges.org/e2006/default.asp
 ?page=submission-ws  Each \nworkshop proposal should be supported by a mini
 mum of two papers per \nworkshop session. Authors submit abstracts via Abst
 ract Submission \nprocess\, as these will be double blind reviewed by the I
 PC.\n \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nCore Thematic Prio
 rities for eChallenges e-2006\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ~~~\n- eBusiness - Future forms of organisations\, Technology and \nApplica
 tions\n- eGovernment - Services to Citizens and Business\, Organisational \
 nTransformation\n- eLearning and ICT Skills\n- Collaborative Working Enviro
 nments \n- International Co-operation on IST\n \n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nRelated Th
 emes\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nRelated themes include but are not restricted to\:\n-
  i2010 and ICT take-up by SMEs \n- Digital Content & Digital Rights Managem
 ent - issues\, applications \n& technologies\n- eDemocracy \, eVoting\, ePa
 rticipation\n- eHealth - issues\, applications & technologies\n- eInclusion
  and eAccessibility\n- eTourism and Cultural Heritage \n- eServices in the 
 European Research Area\n- Future Emerging Technologies\n- GRID - issues\, a
 pplications and technologies\n- Knowledge management and technologies\n- In
 teroperability and Standardisation \n- Mobility - issues\, applications & t
 echnologies\n- Open Source Technologies and Applications\n- Security - issu
 es\, applications & technologies\n- Semantic and knowledge based systems\n-
  Smart and Virtual Organisations\n \nMore information is available at \nhtt
 p\://www.echallenges.org/e2006/default.asp?page=themes\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~\n \n
 We kindly ask you to forward this Call for Papers to your colleagues\, \ngo
 vernment or business partners interested in these topics.\n \nWe look forwa
 rd to receiving your paper and workshop submissions by \n28 February.\n \n~
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\neChallenges e-2006 Organising Commi
 ttee\nEmail\: secretariat@eChallenges.org \nwww.eChallenges.org\n~~~~~~~~~~
LOCATION:Barcelona\, Spain
SUMMARY:eChallenges e-2006 Conference & Exhibition 
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
 (JCKBSE'2006)\n\n August 28-31\, 2006\n Tallinn\, Estonia\n     http\://www
 .ioc.ee/jckbse06\n\n\nThe Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engi
 neering brings together\nresearchers and practitioners to share ideas on th
 e foundations\, techniques\,\ntools\, and applications of knowledge-based s
 oftware engineering theory and\npractice. We invite contributions that addr
 ess theoretical foundations\,\npractical techniques\, software tools\, appl
 ications and/or experience reports in\nknowledge-based software engineering
 .\n\nThis is the seventh JCKBSE held biennially and steered by the followin
 g\ninternational committee\:\nChristo Dichev\, Winston-Salem State Universi
 ty\, USA\nPavol Navrat\, Slovak University of Technology\, Slovakia\nVadim 
 L. Stefanuk\, IITP\, Russian Academy of Sciences\, Russia\nShuichiro Yamamo
 to\, NTT Data\, Japan\nSeiichi Komiya\, Shibaura Institute of Technology\, 
 Japan\nIvan Rozman\, University of Maribor\, Slovenia\n\nJCKBSE'2006 encour
 ages contributions describing basic research\, novel\napplications\, and ex
 perience reports relevant to knowledge-based software\nengineering activiti
 es. Solicited topics include\, but are not limited to\:\n\n* Knowledge tech
 nologies for semantic web\n* Ontology engineering\n* Ontologies and pattern
 s in UML modeling\n* Knowledge technologies for web services\n* Architectur
 e of knowledge-based systems\, including intelligent agents and\nsoftbots\n
 * Knowledge-based requirements engineering\, domain analysis and modeling\n
 * Knowledge engineering for process management and project management\n* In
 telligent user interfaces and human-machine interaction\n* Methodology and 
 tools for knowledge discovery and data mining\n* Automating software design
  and synthesis\n* Knowledge-based methods and tools for testing\, verificat
 ion and\nvalidation\, maintenance and evolution\n* Decision support methods
  for software engineering\n* Knowledge management for business processes\, 
 workflows and enterprise\nmodeling\n* Program understanding\, programming k
 nowledge\, modeling programs and\nprogrammers\n* Knowledge-based methods an
 d tools for software engineering education\n* Knowledge-based methods for s
 oftware metrics.\n\nProgram co-chairs\:\nEnn Tyugu (tyugu@ieee.org)\, Talli
 nn University of Technology\, Estonia\nTakahira Yamaguchi (yamaguti@ae.keio
 .ac.jp)\, Keio University\, Japan\n\nLocal chair\:\nVahur Kotkas (vahur@cs.
 ioc.ee)\, Tallinn University of Technology\, Estonia\n \nPaper submission\:
 \nAll papers should be written in English\, traditionally structured (inclu
 ding\nabstract and keywords) and clearly identify their novel contributions
  that are\ncompared with relevant related work. Regular papers should not e
 xceed 10 pages\non A4 paper using 10 or 12 points font. Short papers should
  not exceed 4 pages\non A4 paper using 10 or 12 points font. All papers sho
 uld be submitted\nelectronically in pdf format not later than March 20\, 20
 06. More details are\navailable at http\://www.ioc.ee/jckbse06\n\nProceedin
 gs\:\nAccepted papers will be published by IOS Press\, Netherlands in Serie
 s\n\"Frontiers\nin Artificial Intelligence and Applications \" and will be 
 available at the\nconference. Selected papers from the conference will be c
 onsidered for\npublication in a special issue of IEICE in Japan\:\nhttp\://
 www.ieice.org/eng/index.html.\n\nImportant dates\:\nMarch 20\, 2006        
 Paper submission deadline\nMay 5\, 2006             Author notification\nMa
 y 25\, 2006          Camera-ready paper submission and conference\nregistra
 tion deadline    \nAugust 28-31 2006  Conference\n\n-----------------------
 --------------------------------------\nFor further information\, please vi
 sit the conference website\n    http\://www.ioc.ee/jckbse06 or contact prog
 ram chairs.
LOCATION:Tallinn\, Estonia
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:JCDL 2006\n\n**Metadata Tools for Digital Resource Repositories
  Workshop** Thursday\,\nJune 15\, 2006\, 8\:30 a.m.-5\:00 p.m.\n\n\nThis is
  an open call to participate in the Metadata Tools for Digital\nResource Re
 positories Workshop\n(http\://ils.unc.edu/mrc/jcdl_2006_tools_workshop.html
 ) at JCDL\:  2006 in\nChapel Hill\, NC\, USA.\n\n\n**Workshop Description**
 \n\nMetadata tools are vital for DLs (digital library) and digital resource
 \nrepository growth. Sharable ontologies and metadata schemas supporting a\
 nwide range of functions have helped initiate tool development. The DL\ncom
 munity needs to share developments\, knowledge\, and evaluation\nmethodolog
 ies specific to DL metadata tools. This workshop will\nfacilitate dialog am
 ong people interested in metadata tools including\,\nbut not limited to use
 rs\, tool developers\, and companies. The workshop\nseeks to improve commun
 ication in the DL/metadata tool community and\nadvance the state-of-the-art
  for tools in this environment. Specific\nobjectives are\nto\:\n\n1. Commun
 icate challenges and solutions specific DL metadata tools and\nsoftware\, i
 ncluding metadata creation\, management\, preservation\,\ndisplay\, and ret
 rieval issues.\n\n2. Exhibit a range of tools developed to aid creators\, m
 anagers\, and\nusers of information systems\, specifically in their work wi
 th metadata\nschemas and vocabularies.\n\n3. Foster discussion between soft
 ware developers\, DL leaders\, digital\ncollection managers and application
  users.\n\n\n**Participation & Exhibitors Call**\n\nParticipation is open f
 or general workshop attendance. We invite users\,\nresearchers\, tool devel
 opers and companies. We are also seeking\nparticipants who plan to exhibit 
 their tools in the Tools Exhibition\npart of the workshop.\n\nExhibitors ne
 ed to submit a brief abstract about the functionalities and\nspecial featur
 es of their application to be shared with workshop\nparticipants.Deadline f
 or submission\: May 15\, 2006. Notification\, May\n20\, 2006. Exhibitors sh
 ould submit a brief abstract about the\nfunctionalities and special feature
 s of their application to Thomas\nSeveriens\: severiens AT mathematik.uni-o
 snabrueck.de\, or Jane Greenberg\:\njaneg AT ils.unc.edu.\n\n\n**Important 
 Dates**\n\nEarly registration deadline\: May 15\, 2006 Regular registration
  deadline\:\nMay 25\, 2006 Deadline for Exhibitors' Proposals\: May 15\, 20
 06\n\n\n**Preliminary Schedule**\n\nThe preliminary schedule for the worksh
 op is available at\:\nhttp\://ils.unc.edu/mrc/jcdl_2006_tools_workshop_sche
 dule.html\n\n\n**Registration**\n\nYou can register at the JCDL website at\
 :\nhttp\://jcdl2006.org/registration/\n\n\n**Workshop logistics**\n\nDate\:
   Thursday\, June 15\, 2006\n\nTime\:  8\:30 a.m. -- 5\:00 p.m.\n\nLocation
 \:  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Room location to\nbe deter
 mined)\n\nRegistration cost\:  ASIST\, IEEE or ACM Members\:  $140.00\; Non
 -members\:\n$200.00\; Student Members\:  $95.00\; Student Non-members\:  $1
 20.00\; Other\:\n$0 (to-be-determined)\n\n\nWorkshop Co-Chairs\:   Jane Gre
 enberg\, Associate Professor and Director\,\nMetadata Research Center\, Sch
 ool of Information and Library Science\,\nUniversity of North Carolina at C
 hapel Hill\, (janeg AT ils.unc.edu)\, and\n\nThomas Severiens\, Researcher 
 and Project Manager Fachbereich\nMathematik/Informatik\, Universitat Osnabr
 uck\, (severiens AT\nmathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de)
LOCATION:Chapel Hill\, North Carolina\, USA
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:*International Workshop on Semantic e-Science*\n3rd September\,
  2006\, Beijing\, China. (SeS2006)\, co-located with ASWC2006\nhttp\://km.a
 -----------\n<Apologize for cross-posting>\n\n=======Call for Papers=======
 =\n\nIn the successful series of Semantic Grid and e-Science events we\nint
 end to bring together researchers and practitioners around the\nworld from 
 the quickly developing research areas of the Semantic Web\,\nGrid and e-Sci
 ence. As semantic technologies are being widely accepted\nin various e-scie
 nce areas such as life science or bioinformatics\, it\nis necessary and urg
 ent to offer semantically enriched methods\, tools\,\nmiddleware to facilit
 ate semantic modeling\, system building\,\nsearching\, and data analyzing i
 n e-science applications. Former\nSemantic Grid research aimed at the Grid 
 level\, in which often the\nbasic premises of the science-like environment 
 are forgotten or\ndisregarded. Thus the main goal of this workshop is to la
 y the\nfoundations for e-Science within the Semantic Web scenario.\n\nThe a
 im of this workshop is to ground Semantic e-Science firmly on the\nneeds of
  the Semantic Web and general science research community. We\nwant to encou
 rage and stimulate discussion about the current state of\nthe art in Semant
 ic e-Science and its future direction. Currently\,\nontologies and the Sema
 ntic Web attract researchers from all around\nthe world and from various di
 sciplines. There have been many\napproaches of using ontologies in the e-Sc
 ience domain\, which has been\nintroduced in several past Semantic Grid and
  e-Science events.\nHowever\, the role of ontology in the Semantic e-Scienc
 e research has\nstill not been unambiguously formalized. On the other hand\
 ,\nontology-based tools for various e-Science branches have been widely\nde
 veloped and already attracted the attention from traditional science\nresea
 rch community and provided real cases and experience for applying\nSemantic
  Web technologies. We regard it as necessity to set a research\nagenda at t
 his point in time\, in order to steer the development and\nthe research eff
 orts in the most rewarding direction towards our\ncommon goal of realizing 
 the Semantic e-Science. Otherwise we fear\nthat effort\, motivation and fun
 ding may be invested less effectively\,\nslowing the realization and adapta
 tion of the Semantic Web technology\nin the e-Science research. Furthermore
 \, there is also a great\nopportunity for the building the collaboration be
 tween the EU and\nnon-EU universities\, especially Asian universities\, whi
 ch locate at\nthe one of the most active economical areas around the world.
  The\nholding of this workshop would help to build closer connection betwee
 n\nresearchers from both sides\, and consolidate the collaborations.\n\n\nM
 ain topics of interest include but are not limited to\:\n------------------
 ----------------------------------\nSemantic e-Science Foundations\:\n* Sem
 antic Infrastructure and Architecture for e-Science\n* Semantic Web and Gri
 d middleware\n* Service Oriented Architecture for Semantic Grid\n* Scalabil
 ity and flexibility of e-Science infrastructure\n* Semantic Data Integratio
 n for e-Science\n* Semantic Web services for e-Science\n* Ontology Engineer
 ing for e-Science\n* Web Trust for e-Science\n* Knowledge Management for e-
 Science\n* Complex e-Science Process Management\n* Complex Semantic Network
 \n\nSemantic Web Applications and Ontologies for\:\n* System Biology\, Bio&
 Medical Informatics\n* Complex Biological Network Modeling.\n* Geography\, 
 Environment and Climate\n* Chemistry\, Physics and Mechanics\n* Web Service
  applications\n* P2P applications\n* Digital Libraries and Scientific Publi
 cation\n* Ubiquitous and Mobile Semantic Web applications\n* Information Re
 trieval and Machine Learning\n* HCI issues and Usability\n* Case study and 
 user issues\n\nSubmission and Proceedings\n--------------------------------
 --------------------\nInterested authors should submit an electronic PDF an
 d source version\nof their papers to *Yimin Wang* prior to the paper submis
 sion\ndeadline. The first page of submitted papers should include\: title\,
 \nauthor names\, affiliations\, postal addresses\, electronic mail\naddress
 es\, telephone and fax numbers for all authors\, and a brief\nabstract. All
  correspondence will be sent to the author mentioned as\ncontact person in 
 the electronic title page (by default\, the first\nauthor). Submissions sho
 uld not exceed 10 pages and should be\nformatted according to the guideline
 s of the Springer Lecture Notes.\nWe are currently pursuing to publish the 
 proceedings as a journal\nspecial issue and as printed proceedings.\n\n\nIm
 portant Dates\n----------------------------------------------------\nDeadli
 ne paper submissions\: *June 20th*\, 2006\nNotification of acceptance\: Jul
 y 20th\, 2006\nCamera ready deadline\: July 31st\, 2006\nWorkshop date\: Se
 ptember 3th or 4th\, 2006 (to be settled)\n\n\nOrganization Committee\n----
 ------------------------------------------------\nYimin Wang (co-chair)\nIn
 stitute AIFB\, University of Karlsruhe\, Gemany\nywa@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de\
 n\nHuajun Chen (co-chair)\nCCNT\, Zhejiang University\, China\nhuajunsir@zj
 u.edu.cn\n\nPeter Haase\nInstitute AIFB\, University of Karlsruhe\, Germany
 \npha@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de\n\nZhaohui Wu\nCCNT\, Zhejiang University\, Chi
 na\nwzh@cs.zju.edu.cn\n\nRudi Studer\nInstitute AIFB\, University of Karlsr
 uhe\, Germany\nstuder@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de\n\n\nProgram Committee\n-------
 ---------------------------------------------\nNigel Shadbolt\, University 
 of Southampton\, UK\nCarole Goble\, University of Manchester\, UK\nNong Xia
 o\, National Defense University\, China\nYork Sure\, University of Karlsruh
 e\, Germany\nJeff Pan\, University of Aberdeen\, UK\nMinglu Li\, Shanghai J
 iaotong University\, China\nRudi Studer\, University of Karlsruhe\, Germany
 \nKeqing He\, Wuhan University\, China\nChristopher Baker\, Concordia Unive
 rsity\, Canada\nYanbo Han\, China Academy of Science\, China\nHeiner Stucke
 nschmidt\, University of Mannheim\, Germany\nBingLi\, Wuhan University\, Ch
 ina\nWilliam Cheng\, Hong Kong Baptist University\, China HK\nTakahira Yama
 guchi\, Keio University\, Japan\nRobert Stevens\, University of Manchester\
 , UK\nHai Wang\, University of Machester\, UK
LOCATION:Beijing\, China
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
 n==============================================================\n\n27 Octob
 er 2006\nRibeirão Preto\, SP\, Brazil\nhttp\://www.icmc.usp.br/iarn2006/coe
 vents/wonto.php\n\n\nA collocated event at the International Joint Conferen
 ce IBERAMIA-SBIA-SBRN06\nIBERAMIA'2006 (the X Ibero-American Artificial In
 telligence Conference)\nSBIA'2006 (the XVIII Brazilian Artificial Intellige
 nce Symposium)\nSBRN'2006 (the IX Brazilian Neural Networks Symposium).\nht
 tp\://www.icmc.usp.br/~iarn2006/\n\nAfter pursuing a long tradition of stud
 y in Philosophy\, the term ontology has become the new buzzword in comput
 er science. It is receiving special attention not only from an active commu
 nity of researchers pertaining to many areas of informatics but also from t
 he industry\, which is providing increasing budgets and investments to deve
 lop this technology and make it available in business as soon as possible.\
 nThere is at least one main reason for this recognition\: ontologies consti
 tute the backbone of the Semantic Web\, as they are responsible for providi
 ng context to pages\, thus promising to make a relevant part of the Web con
 tents understandable and processable by the software. However\, there are s
 ome challenging obstacles that should be tackled to make ontologies wide-sp
 read reputation shift from a promise to a daily used technology. For instan
 ce\, heterogeneity and evaluation are two of these obstacles.\nAs for heter
 ogeneity\, ontology is composed of knowledge and knowledge is naturally div
 erse in its various features\: form\, expression\, syntax\, contents\, mean
 ing\, points of view\, perspectives\, uses\, terminology\, premises\, among
  other features. Of course\, this variety would be reflected on its encodin
 g on ontologies and would pose subtle questions for its application. Dealin
 g with heterogeneity in its many types has become a recurrent research issu
 e for ontology employment\, and also a good source of ontology usage\, e.g.
  for problems like information integration of heterogeneous databases and s
 ystems.\nAs for evaluation\, in many applications\, ontologies are applied 
 in machine reasoning\, thus requiring knowledge from them to encompass a gr
 eat variety of point of views\, and\, most important\, to sanction correct 
 inferences that correspond to the reality being dealt with by the reasoner 
 component.\nFollowing the success of the first edition of the Workshop on O
 ntologies and their Applications\, we intend\, with this second edition\, t
 o enrich the discussion on how to enhance ontologies applicability\, thus 
 realizing this promising technology  in general\, but also in specific sett
 ings\, such as e-business and e-commerce to name but a few.\n\n\nTopics of 
 Interest\:\n===================\n\nTopics of interest include\, but are not
  limited to\:\n\nOntology Engineering\n- methodologies\n- capture and learn
 ing\n- management\n\nSemantic consistency\n- foundational ontologies\n- upp
 er-level ontologies\n- evaluation methods\, applications and problems\n\nSe
 mantic Interoperability\n- composition and modularity\n- merging\, mapping 
 and alignment\n- ontology language interoperability\n\nEnhancement of ontol
 ogy applicability\n- linguistic ontologies applied to text processing\n- pa
 tterns of ontologies for specific applications\n\nOntologies for Informatio
 n Sharing\n- ontology-based information integration\n- mediators and broker
 s\n- agents and ontologies\n\nOntology Applications\n- Semantic Web\n- know
 ledge management\n- e-commerce\, e-government\n- e-learning and e-science\n
 - information retrieval\n\n\nWorkshop format and attendance\:\n============
 ===================\n\nWe intend to avoid the usual conference format\, whe
 re papers are presented and the audience plays a rather passive role. There
 fore\, the emphasis for this one-day workshop is on working groups. In orde
 r to foster lively and fruitful discussion\, the workshop sessions will be 
 defined according to groups of topics formed from accepted papers. In each 
 group of topics\, we plan to allocate around one-third of the time for deba
 tes.\n\nAttendance will be limited to 60 registrations\, formed by workshop
  papers authors and interested members of the community. Workshop attendees
  are required to register at the main joint conference IBERAMIA-SBIA-SBRN2
 006. For more information\, please have a look at the conference website at
  http\://www.icmc.usp.br/~iarn2006.\n\n\nSubmission procedure\:\n==========
 ===========\n\nWe encourage the submission of high-quality papers based on 
 entirely new work or surveys\, both meeting the foci of the workshop. Paper
 s must be written in English and may have a length of up to 12 pages\, incl
 uding tables\, figures\, and references. Like the main conference\, papers 
 must conform to the Springer LNCC/LNAI style. It is recommended that author
 s use Springer-Verlag template files (see http\://www.springer.de/comp/lncs
 /authors.html\, section \"Proceedings and Other Multi-author Volumes\" for 
 formatting instructions) to minimize possible conflicts of paper length whe
 n preparing the camera ready.\n\nPapers should be formatted in PDF (preferr
 ed) or PostScript\, and submitted electronically only\, through the EDAS Co
 nference Management System web site (at https\://submissoes.sbc.org.br/Pape
 r.cgi?c=332&track=740).\n\nSubmission is a three-step process. In a first s
 tep authors are required to register as new authors with JEMS. After regist
 ration as author the login data will be sent to the specified email address
 . This data can be used to access the system. In a second step authors have
  to register their paper (click the submit paper button in JEMS). The third
  step consists on uploading the paper.\n\nSubmitted papers will be peer-rev
 iewed by at least two program committee members and/or additional reviewers
 /referees. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings\, 
 in the CDROM with the joint conference technical papers and in the CEURS on
 line.\n\nAt least one of the authors of accepted papers has to register for
  the main conference (IBERAMIA-SBIA-SBRN2006)\, otherwise the paper will n
 ot be included in the proceedings.\n\nAny other questions regarding papers 
 submission may be directed to one of the organizers.\n\n\nSpecial Issue\n==
 ===========\n\nAuthors of best papers will be recommended to submit expande
 d versions for a Special Issue on Ontologies and their Applications at The 
 Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS). You can check that at http\:
 //www.jucs.org/ujs/jucs/info/special_issues/in_preparation.html (see at the
  bottom of the page).\n\nJ\,UCS - The Journal of Universal Computer Science
  - is a high-quality electronic publication that deals with all aspects of 
 computer science. J.UCS has been appearing monthly since 1995 and is thus o
 ne of the oldest electronic journals with uninterrupted publication since i
 ts foundation. J.UCS is a joint publication of the Know-Center\, Graz\, Aus
 tria\, in cooperation with the IICM\, Graz University of Technology\, Austr
 ia\, Joanneum Research\, Austria and Springer Pub. Co.\n\n\nImportant dates
 \:\n================\n\nJune 13 2006     - Deadline for workshop papers\nJu
 ly 13 2006     - Notification of workshop paper acceptance\nAugust 13 2006 
   - Deadline for workshop camera-ready papers\n\nOctober 23-27 2006 - Joint
  Conference IBERAMIA-SBIA-SBRN06 technical program\nOctober 27-28 2006 - 2
 nd Workshop on Ontologies & their Applications\n\n\nProgram Committee\:\n==
 ================\n\nTroels Andreasen\, Roskilde Universitetscenter\, Danmar
 k\nStefano Borgo\, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA)\, ISTC-CNR\, Italy
 \nJoost Breuker\, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam\, Netherlands\nVirginia Bril
 hante\, Universidade Federal do Amazonas\, Brazil\nRonald Cornet\, Amsterda
 m Medical Center\, Netherlands\nMonica Crubezy\, SMI\, Stanford University\
 , USA\nHenrik Eriksson\, Linköping University\, Sweden\nJérôme Euzenat\, IN
 RIA\, France\nMariano Fernandez-López\, CEU\, Spain\nFred Freitas\, Univers
 idade Federal de Pernambuco\, Brazil\nGiancarlo Guizzardi\, Laboratory for 
 Applied Ontology (LOA)\, ISTC-CNR\, Italy\nMichel Klein\, Vrije Universitei
 t Amsterdam\, Netherlands\nKonstantinos Kotis\, University of the Aegean\, 
 Greece\nAndreia Malucelli\, PUC/PR\, Brazil\nLeo Obrst\, Mitre Corporation\
 , USA\nH.Sofia Pinto\, IST/INESC-ID\, Portugal\nJorge Santos\, Instituto Po
 litécnico de Porto\, Portugal\nStefan Sc
LOCATION:Ribeirão Preto\, Sao Paulo\, Brazil
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:Workshop at the microlearning conference 2006-02-06\nhttp\://ww
 w.microlearning.org/index.php?blogid=1 <http\://www.microlearning.org/index
 .php?blogid=1 >\n \nSemantic Learning Objects and Semantic Learning Organiz
 ations\: Semantics for micro-learning?\nhttp\://www.eamil.org/mediawiki/ind
 ex.php/Call_for_Papers <http\://www.eamil.org/mediawiki/index.php/Call_for_
 Papers >\n\nInnsbruck\, Austria\, June 7 - 9\, 2006\n\nMotivation\:\n\nRece
 nt standardization and specification efforts in the area of learning techno
 logy have resulted in a considerable improvement in the interoperability of
  learning resources across different Learning Management Systems (LMS) and 
 Learning Object Repositories (LOR). The central paradigm of such reuse-orie
 nted technology is the notion of learning objects as digital reusable piece
 s of learning activities or contents. However\, transportability across pla
 tforms is only a basic step towards higher levels of automation and possibi
 lities of delegation of tasks to software agents or modules. Such advanced 
 technology requires richer semantics than those offered by current metadata
  specifications for learning resources. Semantic Web technology and the use
  of ontology are able to provide the required computational semantics for t
 he automation of tasks related to learning objects as selection or composit
 ion. In addition\, Semantic Web Services (SWS) provide the technical archit
 ecture and mediation facilities for semantic interoperability. In the Infor
 mation Systems context\, the \"semantic learning organization\" (SLO) is a 
 novel concept that extends the notion of learning organization in the techn
 ological dimension\, so that a SLO can be considered as a learning organiza
 tion in which learning activities are mediated and enhanced through a kind 
 of technology that provides a shared knowledge representation about the dom
 ain and context of the organization. If we understand microlearning primari
 ly as \"learning from microcontent\"  from \"small pieces\, loosely joined
 \" \, the challenge of semantics in micro-learning is that of providing me
 chanisms for the easy creation of semantic metadata at the level of micro-c
 ontent\, and providing loosely coupled middleware that enables the exploita
 tion of that metadata.\n\nTopics\:\n\nThis workshop will be open to all asp
 ects and applications of semantic learning objects and learning organizatio
 ns\, with an emphasis on micro-content. Suggested topics include but are no
 t limited to the following\:\n\n* Leaning Objects and micro-learning object
 s\n\n* Learning Object Repositories (LOR) and distributed micro-repositorie
 s.\n\n* Learning Management Systems (LMS) and semantics.\n\n* Semantic Web 
 Services in e-learning.\n\n* Reputation and Trust for contents.\n\n* Social
  networking and micro-content\n\n* Intellectual property rights.\n\n* Busin
 ess process choreographies as applied to e-learning\n\n* Semantic Learning 
 Organizations\: micro\, macro- and social perspectives\n\nSubmissions\:\n\n
 One single category of submissions are solicited\:\n\n* Short papers (up to
  10 pages)\n\nPlease send submissions as PDF documents via email to msicili
 a@uah.es or sinuhe.arroyo@uah.es formatted according to the Springer LNCS s
 tyle\n\nRevised versions of selected papers will be considered for the Inte
 rnational Journal of Knowledge and Learning ( http\://www.inderscience.com/
 ijkl/ < http\://www.inderscience.com/ijkl/> ).\n\nImportant Dates\:\n\nSubm
 issions\: 30\, April 2006\n\nNotification\: 15\, May 2006\n\nCamera Ready\:
  25\, May 2006\n\nWorkshop Chairs\:\n\nMartin Hepp\, DERI (Austria)\nMartin
  Lindner\, Research Studios Austria (Austria)\nMiguel-Angel Sicilia-Urbán\,
  University of Alcalá de Henares (Spain)\nAmbjörn Naeve\, Uppsala Learning 
 Lab (Sweden)\,\nJosé Manuel Lopez-Cobo\, Atos Origin SAE (Spain)\nJulià Min
 guillón\, UOC (Spain)\nDaniel Olmedilla\, L3S (Germany)
LOCATION:Innsbruck\, Austria
SUMMARY:Micromedia & eLearning 2.0\: Getting the Big Picture
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION: Third International Workshop on\n\n                 Semantic a
 nd Dynamic Web Processes \n\n                         (SDWP 2006)\n   http\
 In conjunction with the\n    2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Serv
 ices (ICWS'2006)\n            September 18-22\, 2005\, Chicago\, USA\n \n\n
  \nSDWP Workshop aims and Objectives\n----------------------------------\nO
 rganizations are increasingly faced with the challenge of managing\ne-busin
 ess systems and e-commerce applications managing Web services and Web\nproc
 esses. Web services promise universal interoperability and integration.\nSe
 veral researchers agree that it is essential for Web services to be\nmachin
 e understandable in order to support all the phases of the lifecycle\nof We
 b processes. The intelligent combination of Web services and the\nSemantic 
 Web can start off a technological revolution with the development\nof Seman
 tic Web Processes. These processes can bring together autonomous and\nheter
 ogeneous applications\, data\, services\, and components residing in\ndistr
 ibuted environments. These technological advances can ultimately lead\nto a
  new breed of Web-based applications. The major goal of the workshop is\nto
  bring researchers\, scientists from both industry and academics\,\nand rep
 resentatives from different communities together to study\,\nunderstand\, a
 nd explore the phases that compose the lifecycle of Semantic\nWeb Processes
 . In particular\, we wish to emphasize the research and\ntechnological issu
 es related to supporting more flexible\, dynamic and\nscalable Web processe
 s to meet the advanced needs of the organizational\nprocesses in the networ
 ked global economy.\n\nProceedings publication\: \n------------------------
 --------\nThe contributions from the first workshop were published in the L
 ecture\nNotes in Computer Science (LNCS) series (Volume 3387\, lunch date F
 eb. 2005).\nSelected\, revised and extended contributions from the second w
 orkshop were\npublished the book \"Semantic Web Services\, Processes and Ap
 plications\"\,\nCardoso\, J. Sheth\, A.\, by Springer. This year the contri
 butions will be\npublished by the IEEE society.\n\nTopics of Interest\n----
 --------------\nThe theme of the workshop is\: Semantic and Dynamic Web Pro
 cesses. One of the\nmain points of this workshop is to focus on one of the 
 most promising\nsolution to support all Web Process lifecycle phases\, the 
 use semantics.\nSemantics include rich descriptions of Web services and Web
  processes that\ncan be used by computers for automatic processing in vario
 us applications.\nWhile enterprises have sought to apply semantics to manag
 e and exploit data\nor content\, for example to support data integration\, 
 Web Processes are the\nway to exploit their applications\, increasingly mad
 e interoperable as Web\nServices. Submissions are invited that focus specif
 ically on the challenges\nin applying semantics to each of the steps in the
  Semantic Web Process\nlifecycle. In particular we present the role of sema
 ntics in\:\n\n  - Annotation (Semantic Annotation of Web Services)\n  - Dis
 covery (Semantic Web Service Discovery)\n  - Composition (Semantic Process 
 Composition)\n  - Process Execution/Enactment (Semantic Web Process Orchest
 ration)\, and\nQuality of Service\n    of Semantic Web Processes\n\nWe invi
 te researchers and experts of web service and semantics to submit\noriginal
  research papers as well as reports on work in progress related to\nSemanti
 c Web Process lifecycle. Suggested topics include but are not\nrestricted t
 o\: \n\n- Semantic Web Processes\n- Dynamic Web Processes\n- Web Processes 
 Lifecyle\n- Use of Semantics in Annotation\, Discovery\, Composition\, and 
 Orchestration\nof Web Services and Processes\n- Semantic Selection of Web S
 ervices\n- Semantic Web Process Quality of Service \n- Dynamic Changes and 
 Composition of Semantic Web Processes\n- Web Process Reasoning\n- Web Proce
 sses Complexity\n- Ontological representation of QoS and Execution Semantic
 s\n- Exploiting Domain Specific Semantics for Web Services (e.g. domains\ni
 nclude\, but not limited to\, bioinformatics\, telecommunication\, travel\,
 \nfinancial\, and legal)\n- SOA and Grid Computing with dynamic allocation 
 and semantics\n- Workflow Technologies and Semantics\n- Standards extension
 s (incl. WSDL\, UDDI\, BPEL) to support dynamic\nevolution/changes\, and se
 mantics\n\n\nPaper Submission and Review\n---------------------------\nAuth
 ors are invited to submit original\, unpublished research papers that are\n
 not being considered in another forum. Submitted manuscripts will be limite
 d\nto 8 (IEEE Proceedings style) pages and required to be formatted using t
 he\nIEEE Proceedings template. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Pres
 s\nProceedings Author Guidelines to prepare your papers. At least one autho
 r is\nrequired to attend the conference and present the paper. An electroni
 cally\nsubmitted abstract will be required prior to the submission of the f
 ull\npaper. Electronic submission of manuscripts (in PDF or Word formats) i
 s\nrequired. Submissions should include the paper title\, abstract\, name o
 f\nauthors\, their affiliations\, emails addresses\, and postal addresses. 
 In\naddition\, the author responsible for correspondence should include his
 /her\ntelephone number and complete email address. Please go to\nhttp\://co
 nferences.computer.org/icws/2006/submission.html for more details.\n \nPape
 rs submitted to the workshop will undergo a peer-review process. \n\nOn thi
 s year's edition\, we have set up an online submission and reviewing\nsyste
 m so that the whole track management process is simplified. Please go\nto h
 ttp\://dme.uma.pt/jcardoso/Research/Conferences/sDWP06/OpenConf/ to\nsubmit
  your paper.\n\nImportant Dates\n---------------\nPapers submission deadlin
 e\: April 29\, 2006\nAuthor notification\:        May 21\, 2006\nCamera rea
 dy\:               Jun 4\, 2006\nWorkshop\:                   Sep 18\, 2006
 \n\nWorkshop Organization\n-----------------------------------\nJorge Cardo
 so\, University of Madeira\, Portugal\, jcardoso@uma\,pt\nAmit Sheth\, Univ
 ersity of Georgia\, USA\, amit@cs.uga.edu\nRama Akkiraju\, IBM TJ Watson Re
 search Center Hawthorne\, USA\,\nakkiraju@us.ibm.com\n\n\nPC Members\n-----
 ----------------------\nAmit Sheth \, University of Georgia (USA) \nAnca-an
 dreea Ivan\,IBM\nBiplav Srivastava\,IBM India ?\nChristoph Bussler \, CISCO
  (USA) \nDimitris Plexousakis \, ICS - FORTH (Greece) \nE. M. (Max) Maximil
 ien\, IBM Almaden Research Lab\nJacek Kopecky\, DERI\nJorge Cardoso \, Univ
 ersity of Madeira (Portugal) \nKarthik Gomadam\, University of Georgia\nKun
 al Verma \, University of Georgia (USA) \nLeo Obrst \, The MITRE Corporatio
 n (USA) \nMalu Castellanos \, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (USA) \nMarco Pi
 store \, University of Trento (Italy) \nMark Burstein \, BBN Technologies (
 USA) \nMark Little \, Arjuna Technologies (UK) \nMathias Weske \, Universit
 y of Potsdam (Germany) \nRama Akkiraju \, IBM (USA) \nRyusuke Masuoka \, Fu
 jitsu Laboratories of America\, Inc. (USA) \nSanjay Chaudhary \, DA-IICT (I
 ndia) \nSiegfried Handschuh \, FZI\, University of Karlsruhe (Germany) \nSo
 nia Bergamaschi \, DII - Universita` di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy) \nTh
 omas Vitvar\, DERI\nAlain Leger \, France Telecom (France)\n\nTo be complet
 ed...\n\n\nKind Regards\,\nThe Workshop Organization\,\n\nJorge Cardoso\, j
 cardoso@uma.pt \nAmit Sheth\, amit@cs.uga.edu\nRama Akkiraju\, akkiraju@us.
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:Ontology Evaluation Challenge at the\n4th International EON Wor
 kshop\nWorkshop on Evaluation of Ontologies for the Web (EON2006)\n\n<http\
 ://km.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/ws/eon2006>\n\nHeld in conjunction with the\n15
 th International World Wide Web Conference\n\nEdinburgh International Confe
 rence Center\, Edinburgh\, UK\nMay 22nd\, 2006\n\n*************************
 nIn this year's EON workshop we bring together researchers and practitioner
 s interested in the evaluation of ontologies for the web. The aim of this w
 orkshop is to ground Ontology Evaluation firmly on the needs of the Semanti
 c Web\, especially regarding its web-like characteristics like high interco
 nnectivity\, constant change and incompleteness.\n\nEVALUATION AND DEMOS\n=
 ===================\n\nAt the EON workshop there will be a practical sessio
 n\, where a number of ontologies are to be evaluated by the participants be
 forehand and the results being discussed at the workshop. In order to obtai
 n an intensive exchange of ideas between the participants\, there will be l
 eft extensive time for discussion. The previous workshops (EON2002\, EON200
 3 and EON2004) proposed a series of experiments for evaluating different as
 pects of ontology tools\, e.g. their expressiveness and interoperability ca
 pabilities.\n\nThis year we focus on ontologies themselves. The EON2006 wor
 kshop is intended to be a platform to discuss results and further steps wit
 h interested parties. We explicitly encourage people to make demos of their
  tools. We will reserve time slots for demos in the workshop.\n\nWe ask all
  participants to evaluate a number of ontologies according to their approac
 hes. The workshop will facilitate discussion by comparing the results of th
 e participants. This is not meant as a test or as homework\, because we als
 o dont know the correct results\, if there are any  it is the goal of thi
 s workshop to move towards an answer for this very question. The ontologies
  can be downloaded at the workshops website.\n\nA final panel will discuss
  the research agenda for the coming years\, based on the presentations and 
 results from the demos\, evaluations and discussions.\n\nIMPORTANT DATES\n=
 ==============\n\nDemo proposals due\: April 14th\, 2006\nEvaluation result
 s submission\: April 14th\, 2006\nNotification on demos\: April 21st\, 2006
 \nNotification on evaluation\: April 21st\, 2006\nWorkshop\: May 22nd\, 200
 6\n\nSUBMISSIONS FOR DEMO PROPOSALS\n==============================\n\nInte
 rested presenters should submit an electronic PDF of their demo proposal to
  eon2006@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de prior to the deadline. The proposal should i
 nclude include\: title\, author names\, affiliations\, and electronic mail 
 addresses for all authors\, a brief abstract\, a screenshot\, and a short d
 escription of what will be shown in the demo. All correspondence will be se
 nt to the author mentioned as contact person in the electronic title page (
 by default\, the first author). Demo proposals should not exceed 2 pages an
 d should be formatted according to the guidelines of the WWW conference (se
 e <http\://www2006.org/cfp/submissions.php> ).\n\nSUBMISSIONS OF EVALUATION
  RESULTS\n=================================\n\nInterested authors should su
 bmit an electronic PDF and source version of their evaluation results to eo
 n2006@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de prior to the deadline. Evaluation results shoul
 d be formatted according to the guidelines of the WWW conference (see http\
 ://www2006.org/cfp/submissions.php ). All correspondence will be sent to th
 e author mentioned as contact person in the electronic title page (by defau
 lt\, the first author).\n\nEvaluations need to include the following\: titl
 e\, author names\, affiliations\, and electronic mail addresses for all aut
 hors\, a brief abstract\, a short summary of the evaluation approach (up to
  one page)\, the results of each performed ontology evaluation\, sorted by 
 the ontologies\, and how much time the evaluation of each ontology took. Fo
 r each ontology you did not evaluate explain why. We do not want to limit t
 he length of the evaluation results\, as this will depend heavily on your a
 pproach\, but we ask you to keep them concise. Detailed results should be d
 elivered in an ontology itself. A simple starting point for the format is p
 rovided\, but needs to be extended by the evaluators needs. For the publica
 tion of the ontology evaluation results we will work out a format with the 
 authors individually\, depending on the number and form of submissions. For
  the workshop we will distribute all accepted evaluation results in order t
 o ease discussion. The form of the final publication of the evaluation resu
 lts will be decided later and depends on the quality and number of submitte
 d evaluations.\n\nONTOLOGIES\n==========\n\nThe ontologies are available at
  <http\://km.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/ws/eon2006/ontoeval.zip>\nHere we descri
 be the ontologies shortly. We ask you to evaluate each of the four ontologi
 es\, so that we can discuss our findings and compare the evaluation approac
 hes.\n\noe1\: This is a single file with metadata about Elvis impersonators
 . It was developed by a single person.\n\noe2\: The ROVE ontology describes
  the Summer School for Ontology Engineering and the Semantic Web 2005. It w
 as developed by a small team.\n\noe3\: This is the metadata about the AIFB 
 institute. The SWRC ontology provides the vocabulary. The instance data\, a
 lthough offered in one file\, is being editet by all members of the AIFB in
 stitute\, not all of them knowledgeable in the Semantic Web domain.\n\noe4\
 : This is a collection of more than a hundred FOAF-files taken from the web
 . The source URIs are included. We regard this collection as a standard sit
 uation on the Semantic Web\, where information will be compiled from severa
 l\, decentralized sources. We regard this collection as one ontology.\n\n\n
 ORGANIZERS\n==========\n\n* Denny Vrandecic\, Institute AIFB\, University o
 f Karlsruhe\, Germany\n* Mari Carmen Suarez-Figueroa\, Facultad de Informat
 ica\, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid\, Spain\n* Aldo Gangemi\, Laborator
 y for Applied Ontology\, Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technology\, 
 Rome\, Italy\n* York Sure\, Institute AIFB\, University of Karlsruhe\, Germ
 any\n\nPROGRAM COMMITTEE\n=================\n\n* Sean Bechhofer\, Universit
 y of Manchester (UK)\n* Christopher Brewster\, University of Sheffield (UK)
 \n* Dan Brickley\, Semantic Web Vapourware Ltd and ILRT\, University of Bri
 stol (UK)\n* Oscar Corcho\, University of Manchester (UK)\n* Roberta Cuel\,
  University of Trento (IT)\n* Mariano Fernandez-Lopez\, Universidad Politec
 nica de Madrid (ES)\n* Asuncion Gomez-Perez\, Universidad Politecnica de Ma
 drid (ES)\n* Marko Grobelnik\, Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)\n* Nicola Guarin
 o\, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (IT)\n* Kouji Kozaki\, Osaka University
  (JP)\n* Deborah McGuinness\, Stanford University (US)\n* Libby Miller\, As
 emantics (IT)\n* Enrico Motta\, Open University (UK)\n* Elena Paslaru Bonta
 s\, Freie Universitaet Berlin (DE)\n* Sofia Pinto\, Technical University of
  Lisbon (PT)\n* Robert Porzel\, European Media Laboratory (DE)\n* Steffen S
 taab\, Universität Koblenz (DE)\n* Rudi Studer\, University of Karlsruhe (D
 E)\n* Chris Welty\, IBM (US)\n\nCONTACT\n=======\n\nYou may enquire all fur
 ther information from Denny Vrandecic\, denny@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de\n\nWORK
 SHOP HOMEPAGE\n=================\n\nhttp\://km.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/ws/eon
LOCATION:Edinburgh International Conference Center\, Edinburgh\, United Kin
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:Call for participation\n3rd European Semantic Web Conference\n1
 1 - 14 June 2006\nBudva (Montenegro)\nhttp\://www.eswc2006.org/\n\nThe ESWC
  conference invites International researchers\, business  leaders? and acad
 emics to sign up for four days of stimulating  discussions on the latest re
 sults in research and applications of  Semantic Web Technologies. Sessions 
 include specialised lectures\,  workshops\, tutorials\, demonstrations and 
 poster sessions that focus  on innovative research areas such as Ontology M
 anagement\, Semantic  Web Services or Semantic Desktop.\n\nThe Conference w
 ill be taking place from June 11th -14th on the  beautiful Adriatic coastli
 ne of Budva\, Montenegro.\n\nREGISTRATION\nOnline registration is available
  from http\://www.eswc2006.org/ until  May 26\, 2006. Early bird registrati
 on deadline\: April 15th.\n\nEarly registration dates\: February 15th - Apr
 il 15th.\nEarly registration fees\: Euros 335\n\n\nTRAVEL INFORMATION\:\nTh
 e nearest international airports to Budva are Podgorica\, Tivat\, and Dubro
 vnik (Republic of Croatia). Local bus services at a special rate of around 
 20 euros per leg will be available from each of the three airports before a
 nd after the conference.\n\nA free shuttle bus service will be provided bet
 ween the conference hotel and the other recommended hotels. Additional info
 rmation available at http\://www.eswc2006.org/venue.html\n\nINVITED SPEAKER
 S\nFrank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)\: \"Where does it  bre
 ak?\" or \"Why the Semantic Web is not just 'research as usual' \"\nEdward 
 Hovy (Information Sciences Institute\, University of Southern  California)\
 : \"Toward large-scale shallow semantics for higher-quality  NLP\"\nAnthony
  Jameson (DFKI and International University in Germany)\:  \"Usability and 
 the Semantic Web\"\n\nAll abstracts are available from http\://www.eswc2006
 .org/\n\nSEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGIES\n\nAs an event at the forefront of Seman
 tic Web research\, ESWC 2006 is  aiming to leave a significant semantic foo
 tprint. This legacy of the  event will\ninclude semantic markup generated f
 rom existing sources\, annotations  from delegates at the conference\, and 
 the experience of using leading  Semantic\nWeb applications to support a re
 al event.\nAll participants in the conference can help create this legacy\,
  and  in return gain experience of the entire Semantic Web lifecycle from  
 knowledge capture to use and reuse. From now onwards  there will be opportu
 nities to contribute to the project by providing  additional information an
 d annotations when              registering\,  submitting camera-ready pape
 rs\, and at the conference itself.\n\nMore information available at\: http\
 ://www.eswc2006.org/technologies/\n\nACCEPTED PAPERS\:\nTo view all 48 acce
 pted papers by title and author please visit   http\://www.eswc2006.org/.\n
 \n\nPROGRAM CHAIR\nYork Sure (University of Karlsruhe\, DE)\, sure@aifb.uni
 -karlsruhe.de\n\nGENERAL CHAIR\nJohn Domingue (Open University\, UK)\, j.b.
LOCATION:Budva\, Montenegro
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:First Jena User Conference\nHPLabs environment\nhosted by HPLab
 s\n\nWe would like to invite users of the Jena semantic web platform to joi
 n the Jena developers and other members of the community to the First Jena 
 User Conference\, to be held at HP Labs in May 2006.\n\nThis will be an opp
 ortunity for you to meet the Jena team and other semantic web application d
 evelopers. The conference will include presentations on\:\n\n    * applicat
 ions and tools developed by Jena users\n    * demos\n    * in-depth explora
 tions of Jena features\n    * tutorials\n    * discussions about the future
  development of Jena\n\nWe invite all Jena users to submit work that may be
  of interest to the Jena community for inclusion in the conference programm
 e.\n\nWe have a poster for the conference - please feel free to print a cop
 y and display as appropriate in your institution.\n
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:        2nd International Workshop on the use of\n    Semantic 
 Web Technologies for Ubiquitous and\n        Mobile Applications (SWUMA'06)
 \n\n        Trentino\, Italy\, August 28th 2006\n               \n         
    http\://www.swuma.org/\n\nImportant Dates\n===============\nEXTENDED sub
 mission deadline\:    April 21st\, 2006\nNotification\:            May 10th
 \, 2006\nCamera Ready Copies\:    May 24th\, 2006\nWorkshop date\:        A
 ugust 28th\, 2006\n\nWorkshop Theme\n\nMobile and ubiquitous computing refe
 rs to an emerging computing paradigm that aims at providing hardware and so
 ftware means for offering user-friendly information and communication servi
 ces\, anywhere and anytime. The central concept is to empower users through
  a digital environment that is aware of their presence and context\, able t
 o provide personalized services to their requirements\, capable of anticipa
 ting their behaviour and responding to their presence.\nAn essential aspect
  for the ubiquitous vision to become true is therefore the provisioning of 
 small\, handheld\, wireless computing devices that enable interaction betwe
 en users and environments (e.g.\, sensors\, actuators\, interactive screens
 \, displays\, etc.)\, and computing elements (usually hardwired) that carry
  out specific networking functions such as data processing\, storage and ro
 uting. These devices offer functionalities that can be described\, advertis
 ed and discovered by others and they are eventually able to interoperate ev
 en though they have not been designed to work together. This type of intero
 perability is based on the ability to understand other devices and reason a
 bout their functionalities when necessary. Knowledge deployed in mobile and
  ubiquitous applications is therefore pervasive\, distributed\, heterogeneo
 us\, and dynamic by nature. In this respect\, mobile and ubiquitous applica
 tions can benefit from marrying the Semantic Web\, which provides the infra
 structure for the extensive usage of distributed knowledge\, to be deployed
  for modelling devices functionalities and add meaning (through ontologies)
 \, enabling lightweight discovery and composition of device functionalities
  (using annotations and reasoning for service matchmaking)\, and coordinati
 on of processes (using negotiation strategies). The ability to appropriatel
 y combine ubiquity and semantic grounded data sharing has generated and is 
 continuously triggering challenging questions in several areas of computer 
 science\, engineering and networking.\n\nThe workshop on Semantic Web techn
 ology for mobile and ubiquitous applications aims to gather input covering 
 the above mentioned challenges\, and it is intended as a lively forum of di
 scussion for bringing together and fostering the interaction of practitione
 rs and researchers coming from the many disciplines contributing to the des
 ign and deployment of mobile and ubiquitous applications in a semantic-grou
 nded perspective.\n\n TOPICS OF INTEREST\n The main topics of interest incl
 ude but are not restricted to\:\n          Lightweight semantic negotiatio
 n for mobile and\n                   ubiquitous applications\;\n          
 Semantic Web and p2p\;\n          Ontologies for mobile and ubiquitous sys
 tems\;\n          Semantic Web Technology for Context aware applications\;
 \n          Personalisation\;\n          Knowledge representation\, disco
 very and management in mobile\n                   and ubiquitous applicatio
 ns\;\n          Knowledge representation\, discovery and management for\n 
                    semantic web services in mobile and ubiquitous environme
 nts\;\n          Semantic web services\;\n          Dynamic composition o
 f semantic web services\;\n          Agent technologies for mobile and ubi
 quitous systems\;\n          Integration of agent-based services and web s
 ervices\;\n          Mobile and ubiquitous databases and information retri
 eval.\n\n\nSUBMISSION\n\nPapers are solicited for any of the  topics of int
 erest listed above. We invite contributions of different kinds. We solicit 
 regular research papers which may report on\:\n          completed work\;\
 n          description of current\, but mature\, work in progress\;\n    
       discussion papers comparing different approaches\, or\n              
       account of practical experiences of using SW technology in\n         
            mobile and ubiquitous applications..\nIn addition\, we invite pe
 ople wishing to participate in the workshop to submit a short position pape
 r concerning statements of interest\, or technical or policy issues. Spaces
  will be limited and those who have submitted a paper will be given priorit
 y for registration. Both type of papers will provide the framework for the 
 discussions during the workshop. Papers must be written in English.\n\nSubm
 itted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the programme co
 mmittee\, and selected on the basis of their relevance and originality. Bot
 h research and position papers should be formatted according to the officia
 l formatting guidelines of the ECAI main conference.  Research papers shoul
 d not exceed twelve pages\, while position statements should not exceed fiv
 e pages. Papers and position statements can be submitted to submissions@swu
 ma.org\n\nORGANISERS\nAll enquiries and submissions should be directed to c
 hair@swuma.org\n\nTerry Payne\, University of Southampton (Co-Chair)\nValen
 tina Tamma\, University of Liverpool (Co-Chair)\nDavid Tarrant\, University
  of Southampton (Webmaster)\nTim Finin\, University of Maryland Baltimore C
 ounty\nNorman M. Sadeh\, ISRI\, Carnegie Mellon University\nMassimo Paolucc
 i\, DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe\nOra Lassila\, Nokia Research
  Center\, Cambridge\, MA\n\nPROGRAM COMMITTEE\n\nAkio Sashima\, AIST\, Japa
 n\nAshok Mallya\, North Carolina State University\, NC\nChiara Ghidini\, IT
 C Trento\, Italy\nChris van Aart\, Y'all The Netherlands\nDave de Roure\, U
 niversity of Southampton\, UK\nDeepali Khushraj\, Nokia MA\, USA\nDonato Ma
 lerba\, University of Bari\, Italy\nFabien Gandon\, INRIA Sophia Antipolis\
 , France\nFilip Perich\, Cougaar Software\, USA\nFloriana Grasso\, Universi
 ty of Liverpool\, UK\nGrigoris Antoniou\, ICS Forth\, Greece\nHarry Chen\, 
 Image Matters\, LLC\, USA\nJinghai Rao\, CMU\, PA\, USA\nKaoru Hiramatsu\, 
 NTT Corporation\, Japan\nKendall Clark\, MINDLAB\, University of Maryland\,
  USA\nLuigi Iannone\, University of Liverpool\, UK\nLalana Kagal\, MIT CSAI
 L\, MA\, USA\nManolis Koubarakis\, Technical University of Crete\, Greece\n
 Matthias Klusch\, DFKI\, Germany\nMichael Berger\, Siemens\, Germany\nmonic
 a mc schraefel\, University of Southampton\nRichard Benjamins\, iSOCO\, Spa
 in\nRyusuke Masuoka\, Fujitsu Labs of America\, MD\, USA\nSergio Tessaris\,
  Free University of Bolzano/Bozen\, Italy\nSimon Thompson\, Intelligent Sys
 tems Lab\, BTexact Technologies\, UK\nYork Sure\, University of Karlsruhe\,
  Germany\nZakaria Maamar\, Zayed University\, United Arab Emirates\n
LOCATION:Trentino\, Italy
ORGANIZER;CN=Web Semántica:MAILTO:d5bagt8qb8p2jc99iulfig0k0c@group.calendar
DESCRIPTION:                CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS\n\n     Fifth Internatio
 nal Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006)\n                     November 5 - 
 9\, 2006\n                       Athens\, Georgia\, USA\n               htt
 p\://iswc2006.semanticweb.org\n\nThe dream of the Web was to create a human
  communication and collaboration\nplatform for sharing knowledge and enabli
 ng a universal space for\ninformation and services. We all are now much mor
 e connected\, and in turn\nface new resulting problems\: service and inform
 ation overload caused by\ninsufficient support for information selection\, 
 organization and\ncollaboration. The Semantic Web\, by providing standards 
 for formulating and\ndistributing metadata and ontologies\, enables means f
 or information\norganization and selective access. However\, the Semantic W
 eb requires new\ninfrastructure on all levels - e.g.\, human-computer inter
 action\, expressive\nrepresentation and query languages\, reasoning engines
 \, data representation\nand integration\, interoperability middleware\, and
  distributed computing.\n\nTo foster the exchange of ideas and collaboratio
 n\, the International\nSemantic Web Conference brings together researchers 
 in relevant disciplines\nsuch as artificial intelligence\, databases\, dist
 ributed computing\, web\nengineering\, information systems\, and human-comp
 uter interaction.\n\nThe Fifth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2
 006) follows on the\nsuccess of previous conferences and workshops in Galwa
 y\, Ireland (2005)\,\nHiroshima\, Japan (2004)\, Sanibel Island\, USA (2003
 )\, Sardinia\, Italy (2002)\,\nand Stanford\, USA (2001).\n\nThe organizing
  committee is soliciting contributions for the various\nactivities.\nPlease
  see http\://iswc2006.semanticweb.org for submission details.\n\n\nImportan
 t dates are\:\n\nResearch/Academic Track\n\nMay 15\, 2006 (Midnight Hawaii 
 time)\: Paper submissions due \nJuly 26\, 2006\: Paper acceptance notificat
 ion \nAugust 25\, 2006\: Camera-ready papers due \n \nSemantic Web in Use T
 rack\n\nMay 15\, 2006 (Midnight Hawaii time)\: Paper submissions due \nJuly
  26\, 2006\: Paper acceptance notification \nAugust 25\, 2006\: Camera-read
 y papers due \n \nDoctoral Consortium Track\n\nMay 15\, 2006\: Paper submis
 sions due \nJuly 26\, 2006\: Notification of acceptance \nAugust 25\, 2006\
 : Final versions due \n \nPosters and Demos \n\nJuly 14\, 2006\: Deadline f
 or submissions \nSeptember 8\, 2006\: Notification of acceptance \nSeptembe
 r 29\, 2006\: Deadline for camera-ready paper \n \nSemantic Web Challenge \
 n\nJuly 14\, 2006\: Paper submissions due \nAugust 7\, 2006\: Notification 
 of acceptance \nAugust 21\, 2006\: Camera-ready papers due \n \nTutorial Pr
 oposals\n\nMay 19\, 2006\: Tutorial proposals due \nJune 19\, 2006\: Notifi
 cation of proposal acceptance \nJuly 16\, 2006\: Deadline for receipt of UR
 L for tutorial web page \nSeptember 8\, 2006\: Deadline for sending the tut
 orial chair the tutorial\nnotes and the technical paper \nNovember 4\, 2006
 \: Presentation of Tutorial Program\n
LOCATION:Athens\, Georgia\, USA

Received on Friday, 21 April 2006 15:11:46 UTC