"RDF Calendar - an application of the Resource Description Framework to iCalendar Data"

Hi from Chicago airport (ORD).

I found some time to work on the report I started a while ago...


I should have called for review/discussion earlier, but I was working 
toward a 16Sep conference deadline and I didn't clear my desk for 
writing until the afternoon of the 15th. I didn't get it published as a 
W3C note like I wanted to, but I did make a the conference submission 
deadline; the conference only requires an abstract at this point. I'll 
have to do a paper later, if the abstract is accepted. I hope to refer 
to this report but also talk more about hcalendar, GRDDL, and maybe even 
Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Sunday, 18 September 2005 22:59:04 UTC