Re: status property for annotations

Bcc'ed to rdf-calendar for info / fishing purposes. Please keep follow-up  
to the annotea-dev list.

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 18:16:58 -0500, Marja Koivunen <>  

> Mark Smith wrote:
>> Does anyone know of an XML status property that could be used with the  
>> Annotation schema?  The idea is to implement simple work flow for  
>> annotations that happen to be "change requests" or "action items."
... Bugzilla ...
>> The minimum set of concepts I need are ASSIGNED, RESOLVED, and VERIFIED.
>> iCalendar (RFC 2245) defines a Status property (and there is some work  
>> on XML schema for iCal).  But the allowed values for "to do" kinds of  
>> work fine, except there is no concept similar to VERIFIED.
>> Does anyone know where else to look for this kind of thing?
> This functionality has been on my Annotea extensions list a long time.  
> If there is a perfect schema it could be used with Annotea.

The people who have worked on translating iCalendar into RDF in the  
rdf-calendar task force will have some of this covered. I wrote some stuff  
up once at htp:// but I no longer recal exactly  
how I modelled it, and I probably didn't get it all right. This was for  
tracking action items through a series of meetings.

It makes sense to me to start with the stuff for Todo items in iCalendar,  
and see what should be added. I think Marja is right that extending some  
classes/properties might be desirable for use cases. I also wanted to  
extend the iCalendar stuff with a pointer that would show evidence of  
status (this is something I find as a pattern - the more I think of using  
the semantic web in everyday applications the more I think that it's value  
comes in part because that should be an easy thing to do) - i.e. where  
someone accepted an action, or the finished piece of work, or whatever.



Charles McCathieNevile                      Fundacion Sidar   +61 409 134 136

Received on Thursday, 10 March 2005 07:03:21 UTC