Re: Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium

On Wed, 2004-12-15 at 11:55 +0000, Libby Miller wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Danny Ayers wrote:
> >
> > Material pasted below from Robin Cover's newsletter.
> >
> > Any rdf-calendar folks involved? If not, why not?(!)

Did you see the CFP just a few days prior?
  Call for Participantion -- Second Calconnect Interop - 11-12 January
2005 - Seattle, Washington 
  David C. Thewlis (Thursday, 2 December)

I was considering going to, but couldn't spare the travel time.
Matt May is based in Seattle, though, and MIT is a member, so he's
going as my eyes/ears, to some parts of the meeting, anyway.

> interesting. I look forward to all the problems being solved then :)
> Doesn't seem to be related to 

Actually, it is.


An interesting thing about the calconnect consortium is they're
in the "we don't do standards" mode that W3C passed thru a while
ago, according to their IPR policy:

  "The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium does not intend to be a
standards-setting organization."

But if this TC charter isn't about standardization, I dunno what is:

"The goal of the Recurr Technical Committee is to define what a
recurring meeting is, map out how the participating vendors have
implemented recurrances, and see if we can draw from this exercise a
common ground for interoperability of recurrances across all vendors.
This recommendation will then be presented to the Calendaring and
Scheduling Consortium in April 2005."

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2005 17:57:42 UTC