Holidays -> RSS

Hi folks,

Dipping a toe in here again, I was wondering if anyone had built
something along the following lines, or had any tips/suggestions/data
that might help in implementing it:

1. take some iCal/vCal data containing info of a repeating nature*,
like Saint's days or whatever
2. convert it to RDF/XML (Dan's done the Python for that, right?)
3. put it in a triplestore
4. have a cron job (or whatever) run a check routine to see if any
flagged days match today
   if so
   5. add an RSS 1.0 item to a feed giving the details

*  I say of a repeating nature, I'm guessing it shouldn't actually be
much different with one-off scheduled events



Received on Friday, 29 October 2004 15:11:38 UTC