Re: RDFiCalendar questions

Alec Swan wrote:
> Also, does RDFiCalendar have any relation to SkiCal? What are the 
> differences between these two cal. specs?

SKiCal is a project aiming to extend iCalendar to cover needs in other 
settings than personal/corporate calendaring (eg. culture, sports). The 
idea is to add fields for:
- Entrance fees
- Age restrictions
- Pointers to ticket vendors
- Categorization through controlled vocabularies
et cetera.

As SKiCal was intended as an extension of iCalendar, the specification 
is based on RFC2445 with its mime/directory file format. The elements 
from SKiCal could easily be formulated in other languages as well.

The SKiCal project has no funding right now and is kind of sleeping, 
even though those of us who started the project like to think that the 
SKiCal ideas are still valid. We even lost our web domain, 
but you can of course find the docs through the Internet Archive:

Pär Lannerö, co-author SKiCal spec

Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2004 07:19:05 UTC