Re: Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium

I believe there is some overlap between the two, and that some of the 
roundtables may cover "calsify" issues. That's an opinion though, I'm not a 
calconnect member, I just know some of them.

Are you all (on rdf-calendar) also following the CalDAV progress?


At 06:55 AM 12/15/04, Libby Miller wrote:

>interesting. I look forward to all the problems being solved then :)
>Doesn't seem to be related to 
>On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Danny Ayers wrote:
>>Material pasted below from Robin Cover's newsletter.
>>Any rdf-calendar folks involved? If not, why not?(!)
>>Group Seeks Calendar, Scheduling App Interoperability. The New
>>Consortium Hopes to Solve the Problems Within Five Years.
>>Todd R. Weiss, Computerworld
>>The new Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium unveiled plans to
>>standardize calendaring and scheduling applications to solve some of
>>the frustrations faced by computer users. The biggest problem cited by
>>the group: The multiple proprietary formats used by various software
>>vendors make it difficult for users to share calendars and related
>>information with people outside their companies. Members of the
>>consortium include Duke University, MIT, Stanford University, the
>>University of Washington, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the
>>University of California, Berkeley. The group also includes NASA's Jet
>>Propulsion Laboratory, the Mozilla Foundation, the Open Source
>>Application Foundation and IT vendors Oracle Corp., Novell Inc.,
>>Meeting Maker Inc., Symbian Ltd. and Yahoo Inc. To encourage
>>interoperability, the group wants to create core specifications and
>>remove ambiguities between the products. The group envisions a three-
>>to five-year life span to accomplish its goals, which will build on
>>work being done by the Internet Engineering Task Force.
>>See also the announcement:

Tim Hare
Interested Bystander, Non-Inc. 

Received on Saturday, 18 December 2004 04:13:33 UTC