Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium

Material pasted below from Robin Cover's newsletter.

Any rdf-calendar folks involved? If not, why not?(!)

Group Seeks Calendar, Scheduling App Interoperability. The New
Consortium Hopes to Solve the Problems Within Five Years.
Todd R. Weiss, Computerworld

The new Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium unveiled plans to
standardize calendaring and scheduling applications to solve some of
the frustrations faced by computer users. The biggest problem cited by
the group: The multiple proprietary formats used by various software
vendors make it difficult for users to share calendars and related
information with people outside their companies. Members of the
consortium include Duke University, MIT, Stanford University, the
University of Washington, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the
University of California, Berkeley. The group also includes NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, the Mozilla Foundation, the Open Source
Application Foundation and IT vendors Oracle Corp., Novell Inc.,
Meeting Maker Inc., Symbian Ltd. and Yahoo Inc. To encourage
interoperability, the group wants to create core specifications and
remove ambiguities between the products. The group envisions a three-
to five-year life span to accomplish its goals, which will build on
work being done by the Internet Engineering Task Force.,10801,98274,00.html
See also the announcement:


Received on Wednesday, 15 December 2004 11:49:23 UTC