Re: a new dateTime/timezone design, with datatypes

In your proposal, case 2 is:

At 5:04 PM -0500 04.4.14, Dan Connolly wrote:
> <dtstart
>   rdf:datatype=""
>    >2003-01-08T13:00:00</dtstart>

which implies dtstart to be a DatatypePrperty, while case 3 is:

> <dtstart
>            rdf:parseType="Resource"
>      ><dateTime>1970-10-25T02:00:00</dateTime>
> </dtstart>

where dtstart is an ObjectProperty.

Is this what you intended? This is fine for me, because current form won't
become invalid. No new property name required...

KANZAKI, Masahide a.k.a. masaka
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Received on Thursday, 15 April 2004 20:12:55 UTC