Apple iCal updated

Dear all,

A quick mail to inform you that Apple iCal 1.5.1 has just been released 
(and should be available as download on or 
through Mac OS X software update).

Some points that might be interesting to people here using iCal in 
RDF-Calendaring experiments:
- The RFC 2445 URL field is now supported for events and to-dos
- RFC 2445 DESCRIPTION and ALARM support in UI for to-dos
- When subscribing to a remote calendar, URL are clickable in event 
texts in inspector drawer.
- Timezone support in UI for calendar views and events
- Now exports a VTIMEZONE block
- Better AppleScript support (including url field access and a way to 
reload everything from disk)
- (usual bug fixes)

Feel free to contact me directly if you have any issues,

Apple Computer, Inc. - iCal Engineering

Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2003 16:09:16 UTC