Re: Schema for EMails and Contacts

Leo, you might want to direct your question to,
where you might get futher answers about email schemas.
For contacts you could use RDF as Vcard

(I have my reservations about this translation to RDF though).

foaf is useful for contacts too (but is experimental, and purposely

Terry Payne has a software package that talks to outlook and can import
this RDF schema for iCalendar (warning: we are working on a better
version of this schema - see

more info on calendaring is here:

I hope that helps - I'm sorry I can't point you at anything 'finished'.

Bear in mind that you would expect that these different vocabularies
would be produced by different communities, and that you wouldn't expect
to see one that did the whole lot for you.



On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, Leo Sauermann wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working on a diploma thesis about an old idea of mine,
> Integrating all data that I access every day into a central system using
> rdf (ought to be useful somehow).
> One goal is to include all Emails, Contacts and Appointments of mine
> into a RDF model/database.
> I have followed the project that is about PALM integration (as i am
> using a palm myself).
> Now I am searching for a schema that describes *emails, contacts and
> appointments*. I followed your VCalendar / iCal discussions and I got
> the impression that its not very easy to implement applications that
> make use of rdf in this topic.
> But I think that RDF is the "killer" in personal knowledge management
> and therefore I want to create a wrapper for MS-Outlook that transforms
> MS-Outlook into a RDF Model on the fly - but
> - Which schema describes Emails, contacts and appointments
> (Microsoft-independent) ?
> - Where can i download it .... ?
> I already found some schemas in the Netscape/Mozilla RDF thingy, but my
> feeling says that there has to be some CENTRAL schema for this stuff
> that experts like you all know about...
> Greetings from Vienna/Austria
> Leo Sauermann
> TechnicalUniversityVienna

Received on Sunday, 19 January 2003 14:11:10 UTC