Beta software

If anyone wants to download the beta version of TimeCzar and comment on
compliance or bugs in the iCalendar output option, I'd find any such
comments useful.

I should mention that TimeCzar is a Java-based webapp which runs under
Tomcat or Resin, and rather complicated to install if you haven't done
similar installations before.  (If you don't know what Tomcat and Resin
are, it's definitely too complicated for you. :)  So this request is
directed primarily at anyone who feels comfortable with such webapps.

Alternatively, you can generate iCalendar downloads from the online demo
at <>.  Do any search, then click
the "Download as iCalendar" button.

[This is a resend, since I first sent the message from a non-subscribing
address and it bounced.  Apologies if it shows up twice.]

Gary McGath

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2003 09:04:53 UTC