Re: Syntactic profile of RDFiCal

I may have kicked this off. I was looking for the xCal namespace, because 
I've been noodling with developing XML to describe conferences such as 
SHARE (which I attend regularly) and even though I'm still learning XML I 
had discovered that maybe I wanted an already-defined namespace for the 
events - plus, I thought (haven't proven this out yet) that I could use 
xInclude and different stylesheets to transform conference data into 
iCalendar or vCalendar (aka iCalendar 1.0 which my Palm Desktop software 
can import). I also feel like I'm not at that point yet where I understand 
the deeper RDF things, I thought I'd start with XML and DTDs and go to RDF 

Anyway, I didn't mean to start xCalendar all over again, I was just hoping 
to use the namespace.

Tim Hare
Interested Bystander, Non-Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 17 December 2003 00:46:21 UTC