Chandler Calendar

Hello all,

I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Katie Capps Parlante, and I'm 
working at OSAF on Chandler's calendar parcel, among other things.

I've been lurking on this list for a few months, and have generally been 
paying attention to your work. Many thanks, actually, its really helped 
me get my head around RDF and some calendar issues.

Indeed, RDF is very similar in spirit to what we want to do with 
Chandler, "a few bus stops up the road". We're just not sure what the 
bus looks like yet (to painfully extend the metaphor).

We're still wrestling with our relationship to RDF. If you're interested 
in Chandler and how we're handling data, you might be interested in:

We're still pretty early in the design and development process (we hope 
to be highly iterative). I'll check back in when we have a more coherent 
proposal regarding our data model, our repository, and its relationship 
to RDF. (Also, when we have a more fully functional calendar ui.) In the 
meantime, we're definitely open to discussion/feedback about these issues.


Danny Ayers wrote:
 > Just a heads-up that the Chandler PIM version 0.1 is now available.
 > Of particular interest here is CalendarIssues:
 > They've been talking of RDF from the start, but I've not really found yet
 > how it currently fits into their big picture. (There's quite a lot of 
 > about items & attributes, which sounds very like a few bus stops back 
up the
 > road to RDF).
 > Cheers,
 > Danny.
 > ----

Received on Tuesday, 22 April 2003 19:41:32 UTC