Re: Out of curiosity

hi Jeff

I was leading the RDF taskforce on calendaring and I guess my activity
has waned as the fit with my real work has not been as close lately.
I will summarise my knowledge of the RDF calendaring work soon to this
list. It's nearly a year since the taskforce was created, so it's time
to think about what to do next. We (Michael Arick and I) got as far as
creating a schema [1], but the advantages and disadvantages of the
approach we took have not been widely tested.

There is some interesting work going on elsewhere: in particular Dan
Connolly has been working on CWM-based calendar experiments, you might
find something in the rdfig irc logs [2], or try searching on google.
Mozilla calendar newsgroup [3] is quite active. There was a long
discussion about events and RSS on syndication mailing list [4], and
there's a mailing list for iCalendar[5] which is extremely active, with
some interesting discssions about querying calendars recently.

Terry Payne just sent a message to the list - he's done some very nice
stuff with RDF and Outlook [6].

I don't know what can be done about the spam!




On Sun, 10 Feb 2002, Jeff Weidner wrote:

> I have been subscribed to this RDF Calendar for a couple months now, and all
> I seem to be recieving is advertising and other information straight to the
> listserv.
> Is this typical, can it be stopped, or are there other places that this
> discussion takes place at?
> thank you,
> ===========================
> Jeff Weidner
> Illinois State University
> Institutional Web Support Service
> Old Union 220 -- Campus Box 6350
> Normal, IL 61790-6350
> (309) 438-8594

Received on Monday, 11 February 2002 06:36:09 UTC