Semantic Web Schedules - Alpha Release Out

	We've finally released the Alpha version of the Retsina Calendar
Agent for the Semantic Web.  This is the followup from Stefan's Semantic
Web Challenge at the Semantic Web Working Symposium in Stanford this
summer.  It runs on Windows machines, and allows users to browse events
marked up in RDF, and import them into MS Outlook 2000.

The basic functionality is there, although we expect to make some changes
(mainly cosmetic) within the next few weeks to the interface, the
meeting scheduler, the installation process and the accompanying docs.  A
beta release should be out in November.

We've tried to time this to coincide with next week's FOIS conference and
in time for the WI2001 conference.  A full schedule has been created for
FOIS01, and I've started on the WI2001 schedule.

If you have feedback, comments etc, please let me know...


Terry R. Payne, PhD.    |
CMU, Robotics Institute | Voice: (412) 268-8780 Fax: (412) 268-5569
Pittsburgh, PA 15213    | Email: or

Received on Friday, 12 October 2001 19:41:06 UTC