Re: XML iCal draft changes

Hi Eric

We've been working on drafts of an RDF/XML calendar schema based on
iCalendar[1], [2]. It looks like we should liaise with you guys, since
our goals are similar, perhaps to produce a stylesheet which converts
between the two, for example.

Your message prompts me to ask a question: is there a model described
anywhere for the work in icalendar or in xcal? Michael Arick did a
brilliant job turning icalendar into UML[3], but I'd be interested to
supplement this with what the thoughts were of the icalendar group
_while_ the icalendar RFC was being created, if these are described
anywhere. It doesn't have to be UML, just a summary diagram or
description of the objects and properties.

all the best


[1] (RDF calendar homepage)
(current schema draft, unstable)

Dr Libby Miller

Received on Friday, 12 October 2001 09:02:06 UTC