RE: newbie question: ical:EVENT-PROP

Hi Joachim, Terry

That was my intention - thanks Terry. I accidentally left it out of the
schema - I'll put it in.

I'm not convinced that it is a very good name for the property - I've
been thinking that 'item' might be better (to reflect the idea that it's
pointing at a description of an event that's part of a calendar, rather
like the RSS 1.0 usage). Or maybe 'cal-component' (but that's the
superclass of Vevents and Vtodos etc).

It's alsways difficult to find good names for these things, especially
as it not very clear to give properties and classes the same name. A
problem I can see is with duration, which wants to be a class and a
property, I think.

For those who are new to the RDF/XML syntax, which can be confusing if
you're from a pure XML background, Dan Brickley has written a clear (and
short) introduction to the striped RDF syntax which you might find



On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Terry R. Payne wrote:

> Joachim,
> 	a <ical:VEVENT-PROP> is the property of a <ical:VCALENDAR> which refers
> to, for example, an event (which would be a classs - check out VEVENT).
> Hence
> in the examples, you might see
> <ical:VCALENDAR>
>  <ical:VEVENT-PROP>
>   <ical:VEVENT rdf:about="">
>    <dc:description>This is an event</dc:description>
>    <ical:DTSTART>...
> Or a reference to an event resource, e.g.
> <ical:VCALENDAR>
>   <dc:title>RETSINA Calendar for November 2001</dc:title>
>   <ical:VEVENT-PROP
> rdf:resource="
> eventrdftest21004743266" />
> ...
> I believe the definition of the VEVENT-PROP property is missing from the
> schema,
> but this is an example of what that property could be (Libby, could you let
> me
> know if I'm wrong...)
> <iCalendar:Property
> rdf:about="
> 	rdfs:label="Event-Property" rdfs:comment="Specifies that there is an
> event.">
>   <rdfs:domain
> rdf:resource="
>   <rdfs:range
> rdf:resource="
> </iCalendar:Property>
> Hope that helps.
> 	Terry
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Terry R. Payne, PhD.    |
> CMU, Robotics Institute | Voice: (412) 268-8780 Fax: (412) 268-5569
> Pittsburgh, PA 15213    | Email: or
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 9:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: newbie question: ical:EVENT-PROP
> Hi all!
> currently i am trying to figure out the basics of rdf-calendar; but i
> stumbled very soon: i cant figure out the semantics of <ical:VEVENT-PROP>
> which embeds <ical:VEVENT>
> i found this construct in example calendar files like
> but not in the rdf schema definition at
> can someone please explain this to me?
> thanks in advance!
> joachim

Received on Friday, 16 November 2001 06:03:46 UTC