Someone doing similar work - in a very different space

In my ongoing research, came across the following paper

They are creating a scheme to store event information for Architecture
related problems (in this context "architecture" refers to computer systems

In the paper they develop an XML representation of events and what they term
activities, interestingly enough they make no reference to the CALSH working
group or the iCal/vCal work - so this appears to be yet another case of
people working in parallel on similar problems.

Anyway, given this group's goals, I thought it might be interesting reading
and that the researchers who did this work might be interested in what this
group and the CALSH group are doing.


Shannon J. Clark
CEO - JigZaw, Inc
1.800.4.JIGZAW (454.4929)

Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2001 18:37:10 UTC