Re: More Work on iCalendar RDF Schema

Michael, thanks very much for doing this. It's looking great.

I think the url is actually

I reckon this is looking very promising indeed. I've got a few comments,
some a little vague (see below), but nothing major.

[comments on Michael Arick's hybrid iCalendar RDF schema]

* RECUR stuff sounds reasonable.

* TEXT should maybe also subclass rdfs:resource 

* URI should also definitely subclass rdfs:resource
* do we need utc-offset to be different than int?
* all the RECUR studff sounds reasonable
* why subclass property?
* CALSCALE - xsd text? what's the relationship beween xsd text and rdf
* attachment stuff looks reasonable
* so does locations stuff
* like the choices method of dealing with text options (not seen this
before - is it definitely ok?)
* make COMPLETED a time entry
* second TZOFFSETFROM (there are two) should be TZOFFSETTO, I think
* contact is cool
* remove refs to date-time and date subclass stuff - your solution is
fine by me
* rel-to ok
 MHA: URL used to have a domain of VCALENDAR, which seems wrong.  I've
made it
this looks like an error on my part
* FREQ choices is best I think
* also BYDAY, WKST
* ACTION - change it if you like to different subclasses of valarm
* TRIGGER subclassing ok by me
* should CN be TEXT (for consistency?)      

* not sure we really need to subclass property for parameter....may
cause problems with tools??
* <!--
 MHA: What does the inline encoding paramter apply to? -->
binary attachments, I think

[end comments]


Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2001 08:04:14 UTC