Re: Working on draft iCalendar RDF-schema

Michael Arick <> wrote:

> Properties in iCal have values (and parameters that can be set on them).
> Sometimes, they have types that make these values easy to define, but
> other times, you have choices for value type (such as Date-Time vs.
> Date, but there are others).
> I'm not entirely sure how to represent this kind of choice in RDF.  Any
> ideas or pointers to full RDF-schemas I could look at?

It seems to me what you probably want to do is create two types (Date-Time
and Date) and then create a new class (TimeEntry) that contains both of them
as subclasses. Then point to TimeEntry.

Does this make sense?

Perhaps I could help more with a more concrete example.

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Monday, 11 June 2001 23:29:49 UTC