Re: poolGame.rdf: Euler and subPropertyOf

Hi Dan,

> But I have run into an issue that looks more substantial:
> doesn't seem to grok variables in the property part of a triple,
> which seems critical for dealing with rdfs:subPropertyOf.
> I reduced it to a small test case:
> ------
> # testing rdfs rules...
> @prefix : <subprop#>.
>      @prefix u: <> .
> :husband u:subPropertyOf :spouse.
> :Mary :husband :Dan.
> ------
> ------
> # generalization...
> { :s [ u:subPropertyOf :p ] :o } log:implies { :s :p :o }.
> ------
> ---------
>      @prefix log: <> .
> @prefix : <subprop#>.
> @prefix v: <subprop?>.
> { v:x :spouse v:y } log:forSome v:x, v:y.
> ---------

What a lucky coincidence!
Not only that my wife also calls Mary (Maaike), but also
that we since version 27.029 of last week:
  introduce predicate field as an Euler object
I promise you that this test case will work (asap)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

we actually have a couple of other open issues as well
- is .. of swapping of sub/object
- duplicate rule elimination
- [] empty description parsing
- fix anonymous node toString()
- ont:UnambiguousProperty implementation

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2001 11:58:00 UTC