announce: www-rdf-calendar mailing list

As several CALSCH activists have kindly pointed out to me off-list, I have
referred to a list; the existence of which, the purpose of which and the
subscription procedures of which -  are as unknown as the Christian nickname
for this particular Thursday (*answer to that below).


The RDF Calendaring and Scheduling mailing list scope as defined by Dan

Use www-rdf-calendar for detailed technical discussion of systems,
vocabulary and scenarios relating to the use of RDF and XML with
calendaring and scheduling tools on the Web. Please try to avoid
crossposts with the other RDF lists. The focus of the list is on
practical implementation work (testbeds, prototypes, collaborative
development), although theoretical work (eg. on representations for
events, time-periods etc) in RDF, XML, DAML etc. is in scope.

The archives are here:

Subscription rules are:

to subscribe to the mailing list, send a message:

	Subject: subscribe
	(or 'unsubscribe' if it all proves too much)

The list is public, archived, and like www-rdf-logic and the RDF IG IRC
channel ( falls under the Semantic
Web Activity within W3C (

*Maundy Thursday

Received on Thursday, 12 April 2001 05:10:17 UTC