- From: Fernando Fernandez <ferdez@zundapp.despodata.pt>
- Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 18:45:07 +0000
- To: www-rdb@w3.org
> Does anyone know of an appropriate database and gateway technology that can > generate the pages dynamically and save them as static HTML pages ? We are using Informix OnLine (the DB server) and Informix 4GL (the programming language) to do that, but the output is sent directly to CGI. It would be very easy to do as you say. For the data managment interface Informix NewEra or any other C/S language would do the trick. Fernando Fernando Fernandez fernandez@despodata.pt Despodata http://despodata.pt R. da Prata, 166, 4o. 1100 Lisboa - Portugal Tels: 888 01 24/48 Fax: 887 92 66
Received on Monday, 24 June 1996 13:42:56 UTC